Africa related Blog post | Land Portal
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6 March 2023
Wytske Chamberlain - van der Werf

Report from session during KPSRL annual conference exploring how land registration might impact relations between local governments and the populations they are expected to serve.

3 February 2023
Dr. Nieves Zúñiga
Latin America and the Caribbean

Il y a un an, grâce à une bourse LEDE de Réseau de journalisme de solutions (Solutions Journalism Network ) et en collaboration avec le Land Portal, j'ai lancé un projet visant à trouver des histoires de réponses aux dommages causés à la terre et à l'environnement. Pendant cette période, j'ai affirmé que les communautés et les personnes du monde entier travaillent à la protection et à la guérison de l'environnement, même si ces histoires parviennent à peine aux grands médias. 

3 February 2023
Dr. Nieves Zúñiga
Latin America and the Caribbean

Hace un año, gracias a una beca LEDE de la Red de Periodismo de Soluciones  (Solutions Journalism Network LEDE Fellowship) y en colaboración con el Land Portal, inicié un proyecto para encontrar historias de respuestas a los daños causados a la tierra y el medio ambiente.  Durante este tiempo, afirmé que comunidades y personas de todo el mundo trabajan para proteger y sanar el medio ambiente, aunque esas historias apenas lleguen a los principales medios de comunicación.

3 February 2023
Dr. Nieves Zúñiga
Latin America and the Caribbean

Há um ano, graças à Rede de Jornalismo de Soluções da LEDE Fellowship e em colaboração com o Land Portal, iniciei um projeto para encontrar histórias em resposta aos danos causados à terra e ao meio ambiente. Durante este tempo, afirmei que comunidades e pessoas ao redor do mundo estão trabalhando para proteger e curar o meio ambiente, mesmo que essas histórias dificilmente cheguem à grande mídia.


3 February 2023
Dr. Nieves Zúñiga
Latin America and the Caribbean

One year ago, thanks to a Solutions Journalism Network LEDE Fellowship and in collaboration with the Land Portal, I started a project to find stories of responses to the damage caused to the land and environment. During this time, I affirmed that communities and people around the world are working to protect and heal the environment, even if those stories hardly make it to the mainstream media. 

2 February 2023
Lilian Lee

Junto con la GIZ y la Agencia Nacional de Ordenación Territorial, conocida como ANAT, en Senegal, coorganizamos un seminario web, "Descubriendo las Oportunidades de los Datos sobre la Tierra en Senegal", el 31 de enero de 2023. El panel reunió a expertos en datos abiertos y gobernanza de la tierra para debatir el estado de la información sobre la tierra en Senegal, centrándose en las conclusiones del Informe SOLI Senegal, y el camino a seguir para lograr un ecosistema de datos sobre la tierra más inclusivo, abierto y transparente en Senegal.

2 February 2023
Lilian Lee

Junto com a GIZ e a Agência Nacional de Planejamento Espacial, conhecida como ANAT, no Senegal, co-organizamos um webinário, "Descobrindo as Oportunidades de Dados Territoriais no Senegal", em 31 de janeiro de 2023. O painel reuniu especialistas em dados abertos e governança fundiária para discutir o estado das informações fundiárias no Senegal - concentrando-se nas conclusões do Relatório SONI Senegal - e o caminho a seguir para um ecossistema de dados fundiários mais inclusivo, aberto e transparente no Senegal. 

2 February 2023
Lilian Lee

Along with GIZ and the National Agency for Spatial Planning, known as ANAT, in Senegal, we co-hosted a webinar, “Uncovering Land Data Opportunities in Senegal,” on 31 January 2023. The panel brought together open data and land governance experts to discuss the state of land information in Senegal – focusing on the findings from the SONI Senegal Report – and the way forward to a more inclusive, open and transparent land data ecosystem in Senegal. 

2 February 2023
Lilian Lee

Along with GIZ and the National Agency for Spatial Planning, known as ANAT, in Senegal, we co-hosted a webinar, “Uncovering Land Data Opportunities in Senegal,” on 31 January 2023. The panel brought together open data and land governance experts to discuss the state of land information in Senegal – focusing on the findings from the SONI Senegal Report – and the way forward to a more inclusive, open and transparent land data ecosystem in Senegal. 

Women's Land Rights in Cameroon
6 December 2022
Gina Alvarado
Caitlin Kieran
Latin America and the Caribbean

De multiples études indiquent que des droits sûrs à la terre et à d'autres biens peuvent protéger les femmes contre la violence domestique en renforçant leur position au sein de leur famille ou en leur donnant une plus grande capacité à sortir de relations abusives.

Women's Land Rights in Cameroon
6 December 2022
Gina Alvarado
Caitlin Kieran
Latin America and the Caribbean

Multiple studies indicate that secure rights to land and other property can protect women from experiencing domestic violence by strengthening their position within their families or by providing women with a stronger ability to exit abusive relationships.

Lanzamos un nuevo curso virtual: Los derechos campesinos e indígenas de las mujeres en Sudamérica
21 November 2022
Stella Tchoukep

Le rôle que joue les communautés rurales dans la gestion des forêts et les ressources naturelles reste marginal. Nous demandons de facto que le gouvernement camerounais privilégie la gestion des ressources axée sur la promotion et la protection des droits et intérêts les communautés locales et autochtones 

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