Liberia related Blog post | Land Portal
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Malawi Small Scale Livestock and Livelihoods Program
17 November 2023
Mr. Neil Sorensen
Southern Africa
South Africa
Sierra Leone

En un seminario web que invitó a la reflexión, moderado por Nolundi Luwaya, director del Centro de Investigación sobre Tierras y Responsabilidad de la Universidad de Ciudad del Cabo, expertos de toda África se reunieron para desentrañar las complejidades del papel de las autoridades tradicionales en la gobernanza de las inversiones basadas en la tierra. Este evento sacó a la luz los desafíos y estrategias únicos empleados por las autoridades tradicionales en la gestión de inversiones basadas en tierras.

Malawi Small Scale Livestock and Livelihoods Program
17 November 2023
Mr. Neil Sorensen
Southern Africa
South Africa
Sierra Leone

Em um webinário instigante moderado por Nolundi Luwaya, Diretor do Centro de Pesquisa sobre Terras e Responsabilidade da Universidade da Cidade do Cabo, especialistas de toda a África se reuniram para desvendar as complexidades do papel das autoridades tradicionais na governança de investimentos baseados em terras. Esse evento trouxe à tona os desafios e as estratégias exclusivas empregadas pelas autoridades tradicionais no gerenciamento de investimentos em terras.

Malawi Small Scale Livestock and Livelihoods Program
17 November 2023
Mr. Neil Sorensen
Southern Africa
South Africa
Sierra Leone

Dans le cadre d'un webinaire stimulant animé par Nolundi Luwaya, directeur du Centre de recherche sur la terre et la responsabilité de l'Université du Cap, des experts de toute l'Afrique se sont réunis pour démêler les complexités du rôle des autorités traditionnelles dans la gouvernance des investissements fonciers. Cet événement a mis en lumière les défis uniques et les stratégies employées par les autorités traditionnelles dans la gestion des investissements fonciers.

Malawi Small Scale Livestock and Livelihoods Program
17 November 2023
Mr. Neil Sorensen
Southern Africa
South Africa
Sierra Leone

In a thought-provoking webinar moderated by Nolundi Luwaya, Director of the Land and Accountability Research Centre at the University of Cape Town, experts from across Africa convened to unravel the complexities of the role of traditional authorities in land-based investment governance. This event brought to light the unique challenges and strategies employed by traditional authorities in managing land-based investments.

State of Land Information in Africa
4 July 2023

L'état des données foncières : Transformer l'Afrique en une puissance du future" a eu lieu le 22 juin et a accueilli cinq orateurs. L'événement a été organisé par une équipe d'organisations comprenant la Land Portal Foundation, NELGA, GIZ et la Coopération allemande.

State of Land Information in Africa
4 July 2023

​"El Estado de los Datos sobre la Tierra: Transformando África en una Potencia del Futuro" tuvo lugar el 22 de junio y contó con cinco ponentes. El evento fue organizado por un equipo de organizaciones entre las que se encontraban la Fundación Land Portal, NELGA, GIZ y la Cooperación Alemana.  

State of Land Information in Africa
4 July 2023

O estado dos dados fundiários: Transformando a África em uma potência do futuro" foi realizado em 22 de junho e contou com cinco palestrantes. O evento foi organizado por uma equipe de organizações, incluindo a Fundação Land Portal, a NELGA, a GIZ e a Cooperação Alemã.

State of Land Information in Africa
4 July 2023

The State of Land Data: Transforming Africa Into a Powerhouse of the Future" took place on June 22 and featured five speakers. The event was organized by a team of organizations including the Land Portal Foundation, NELGA, GIZ and German Cooperation.  

8 March 2022
Sarah Lowery
Corinne Hart

In many countries men control who gets to use, own, and make decisions about land.

“We used to stay in a corner, quiet. If someone came to take our land or exploit our forests, we did not have the courage to try to stop them.” These words from a woman in Mecoburi, Mozambique reflect how women across the world often feel powerless to defend their rights to land and natural resources. For rural communities, land means everything, from the ability to produce crops for food and income to leveraging financial assets.

Liberia's Land Rights Law and the Worsening Dynamics of Land Grabs
27 July 2021
Ali Kaba

The Land Rights Law (LRL), enacted on the 23rd of August 2018, was an impressive feat. It recognizes the land rights of all Liberians, especially rural communities who have historically been subject to mere user rights on their ancestral lands. The LRL protects the rights of communities to their claimed customary areas as their lawful property – “with or without deed”. This provision places an estimated 70% or more of the country under customary ownership.

Land Rights in Malawi
2 July 2021
Silas Siakor

My name is Silas Siakor and I am the Country Manager at IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative in Liberia. I have worked on natural resource governance for the past 20 years - with a focus on land and forest. I am deeply honored to speak at this year’s conference to share some reflections based on the Liberian experience and to send a clarion call to civil society, academia, and private sector to step up and do more to strengthen land governance. The future of our planet depends on it. 

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