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COVID-19 related content

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Land, Housing, and COVID-19
1 September 2020

In the six months since the coronavirus began its global spread, more than 15 million people have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and more than 600,000 have perished. Governments around the world have instituted lockdowns and shut down businesses.

12 August 2020
Latin America and the Caribbean

Las mujeres rurales de América Latina y el Caribe enfrentan diversas desigualdades que causan el que éstas presenten altos índices de pobreza, inseguridad alimentaria y nutricional, experimenten un acceso restringido a los recursos productivos y empleo decente, a la protección social y a la comercialización de sus productos.

KB.L Land news Weeks 32 - 33 South Africa
12 August 2020
Eastern Africa
Southern Africa
South Africa

In this land news update from South Africa we focus on:

4 August 2020
Ms. Karol Boudreaux

Supporting women’s ability to own, manage and control land will help accelerate gender equality globally

It is depressing, discouraging, infuriating – pick your word – to see the scale and scope of abuse and discrimination aimed at women and girls worldwide.

4 August 2020
Omaira Bolanos
Latin America and the Caribbean

Many Latin American countries recognize the property rights of indigenous and Afro-descendant people, but those laws do little to protect women’s access to land

Latin America’s indigenous and Afro-descendant communities are facing not just one pandemic, but three. Women bear the brunt of them all, which threatens communities’ very survival.

20 July 2020

From forced displacement to conflict over resources, the coronavirus pandemic has created a “perfect storm” for land rights abuses - and the situation is likely to worsen, researchers and activists warned on Thursday.

Revista Amazonas
19 July 2020


Revista Amazonas
Latin America and the Caribbean
Central America
South America

Diálogo realizado pela Revista Amazonas sobre as lutas e a resistência de Mulheres do povo Garifuna de Honduras e da Comunidade Negra Creole de Bluefields, Nicarágua. Mediadora: Helena silvestre


1. Dolene Miller

16 July 2020



Reconociendo la importancia de las cuestiones relativas a la tierra para poner fin al hambre y lograr el desarrollo sostenible, los países han convenido en cumplir objetivos ambiciosos en materia de tierras para 2030.

Land Portal Foundation
16 July 2020



Acknowledging the centrality of land issues to end hunger and achieve sustainable development, countries have agreed to meet ambitious land targets by 2030. Five years into the SDGs, persistent land insecurity, land evictions, threats to land rights defenders and other challenges show that the land promises are not being delivered.

Land Portal Foundation
Landesa - Rural Development Institute
International Land Coalition
Reports & Research
July 2020

This scoping study analyses gendered impacts of large-scale extractives, hydropower and agribusiness investments that result in communities’ changed access to and control over land, water and other natural resources.

Picture credit. Nadiko Lopei Alim a pastoralist from Kapese inTurkana, Northern Kenya. Trócaire is working on resource rights and community engagement to mitigate the risk of conflict related to the extractives industry in Turkana. (Photo by Garry Walsh)
7 July 2020
Barbara van Paassen
Magdalena Anna Kropiwnicka

For those of us who have worked in development since quite some time certain stories have become a little too familiar.  Whether in Latin America, South East Asia or Sub Saharan Africa, it is women and their special connection to land and water that are greatly impacted when the thirsty mining, hydropower or agribusiness industries move into their communities.  The stories tell of loss of access to land and forests, of contamination of the water used for drinking, cooking and bathing; of the much longer and more dangerous journeys to get water and the increased vulnerability to sextortion and gender-based violence.  

6 July 2020


Latin America and the Caribbean
South America

O programa QUESTÕES AMBIENTAIS NA SOCIEDADE em seu 10º episódio tem a honra e o prazer de convidar a todas e todos para um debate sobre PANDEMIA E POVOS INDÍGENAS: A VISÃO DA MULHER GUARANI NA LUTA COTIDIANA com a Cacique Juliana Kerexu e a Gestora Ambiental Nathalia Sibuya mais comentários de Rennisy Cruz (Bela) e José Roberto Galdino (Ró). 

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