Resultados de la búsqueda | Land Portal

Resultados de la búsqueda

Mostrando ítems 1 a 9 de 48.
  1. Library Resource
    Artículos de revistas y libros
    Diciembre, 2010

    Actually the land market of the Republic of Moldova represent a characteristic
    development of whole national economy. Practically the evolution of land market is not
    difference at the privatization period in the agrarian sector. It was manifested through limited land fund, small attractive land market for foreign investors, low prices of agriculture lands in comparison with the lots of other destination, the reduced area of agriculture enterprises, low
    competitiveness of agriculture enterprises, a lot of erosion soils in the structure of land fund.

  2. Library Resource
    Artículos de revistas y libros
    Diciembre, 2013

    The paper has two main applications: it represents a model for pricing – which might be used by investment funds, or other organizations interested in agricultural land acquisitions; the interest is in buy/sell transactions - a financial mechanism could be created to facilitate these transactions. For example, the creation of a Land Bank or to attract land banking investment funds, which would have the goal to improve the transaction system, develop financial tools necessary for increasing efficiency, improving financial structure.

  3. Library Resource
    Artículos de revistas y libros
    Diciembre, 2010

    This article is investigating some relevant aspects considering structural
    changes of the land fund in the Republic of Moldova. Also it is considering the structure
    evolution of land fund along 2007-2009 years. The results of the research conclude that
    one of the most important rise components of efficient usage of land fund is spread of
    fertilizers according to settled standards by scientific research institutions. Economical
    efficacy using the land fund may be provided by supplying the agricultural enterprises with

  4. Library Resource
    Artículos de revistas y libros
    Diciembre, 2010

    Actually the land market of the Republic of Moldova represents a characteristic development of whole national economy. Practically the evolution of land market is not different at the privatization period in the agrarian sector. It was manifested through limited land fund, small attractive land market for foreign investors, low prices of agriculture lands in comparison with the lots of other destination, the reduced area of agriculture enterprises, low competitiveness of agriculture enterprises, a lot of erosion soils in the structure of land fund.

  5. Library Resource

    The economic efficacy of production potential in agricultural enterprices

    Artículos de revistas y libros
    Diciembre, 2009

    În baza datelor a 857 întreprinderi agricole din Republica Moldova, s-a determinat nivelul potenţialului de producţie în profilul regiunilor de dezvoltare şi eficienţa economică privind utilizarea acestuia. Folosind metode economico-statistice, s-au stabilit factorii ce ţin de capacitatea productivă a terenului agricol, înzestrarea tehnică a forţei de muncă şi influenţa lor la creşterea eficienţei economice a potenţialului de producţie.

  6. Library Resource
    Artículos de revistas y libros
    Diciembre, 2010

    În această lucrare se descrie starea actuală a fragmentării funciare al gospodăriilor ţărăneşti din Republica Moldova şi efectele pe care le are aceasta asupra bunăstării familiilor rurale şi a productivităţii exploataţiilor agricole. Ipoteza de bază înaintată este dacă consolidarea terenurilor agricole va avea efecte benefice asupra productivităţii şi dacă această este binevenită pe termen lung. În acest context, se va examina consolidarea în baza principiilor economiei de piaţă, utilizând informaţia obţinută din mai multe studii de teren recent efectuate.

  7. Library Resource
    Artículos de revistas y libros
    Diciembre, 2010

    In this article, some analysis models regarding land structure and productive capacity of the land fund are examined. Also, there were analyzed the influence of erosions degree and soil quality on the modification of the agricultural land efficiency. It was established that the productive potential of the land fund depends on climatic conditions, which determine the necessity to adjust agriculture to the peculiarities of different regions

  8. Library Resource
    Artículos de revistas y libros
    Diciembre, 2011

    The article presents data concerning the results of introducing pilot projects in 6 villages of the Republic of Moldova in 2007-2009.As a result it was possible to accumulate the necessary experience for the extension of the se activities overall the country. Simultaneously, a number of difficulties and problems have been identified and without their elimination it will be difficult to accomplish these activities.

  9. Library Resource
    Artículos de revistas y libros
    Diciembre, 2020

    Преобразование земельных отношений в 1989-2019 гг. в Республике Молдова не было случайным явлением. Настоятельная необходимость в социально-
    экономических реформах явилась объективной необходимостью, вызванной
    самим ходом истории развития общественных и экономических отношений.
    Особенно остро отставание ощущалось в области сельского хозяйства, где
    большинство стран всё с большим трудом обеспечивало своё население про-
    довольствием, а промышленность сырьём на уровне современных требований.

  10. Library Resource
    Informes e investigaciones
    Diciembre, 2020

    Relațiile funciare, începând cu etapa inițială a dezvoltării statului, reprezintă un product al societății. În istoria statalității Republicii Moldova se vor găsi mai multe etape inițiale. Este important a sublinia că, indiferent de acest fapt, relațiile funciare au fost printre primele și cele mai importante în dezvoltarea societății. Prin aceasta, se constată și conținutul social al relațiilor funciare. Perioada vizată în prezentul studiu, include etapa stabilirii statalității Republicii Moldova, anii 1991-2018 – perioadă în care are loc formarea unor relații funciare evidente.

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