changement climatique related Blog post | Land Portal
Il y a 5,391 éléments de contenu liés à changement climatique sur le Land Portal.
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Mozambique LAS
23 février 2024
Maria Muianga
Lisette Meij

Terra Firma and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) are pleased to announce the launch of a new LAND-at-scale project: Scaling Community Land Rights Certification in Municipal Areas of Mozambique. The project started implementation this month (February 2024) in the rural hinterlands of four municipalities in Manica, Sofala and Zambezia provinces.

CLPA LAS side-event panelists
23 février 2024
Aoife Ossendorp
Gemma Betsema

During the Conference for Land Policy in Africa (CLPA) which took place in Addis Ababa in November 2023, LAND-at-scale organised the side-event ''Climate-Resilient Land Use Planning as a Tool for Addressing Land Degradation''. The LAND-at-scale (LAS) project partners and their government constituencies from Mozambique, Rwanda and Uganda participated in person. The set-up of the session was dynamic with each country first ‘pitching’ how land use planning processes were important in their LAS interventions, and then the government representatives adding to that a perspective from government. In each of the countries, the LAS partners consisting of NGOs and UN organizations, work closely with national or district land use planning officers of the government in carrying out project activities.

Planned resettlement site in Baidoa
19 février 2024
Karel Boers
Marta Cavallaro
Federica Acquaviva
Aoife Ossendorp

As part of a scoping study titled Land Governance for Climate Resilience: A review and case studies from LAND-at-scale projects headed by Richard Sliuzas, Emeritus Professor, University of Twente, IOM explored how climate plays a role in the UN-led Saameynta Joint Programme in Somalia. In this context, climate change is increasingly recognized as a multiplier of insecurity and fragility, where climate-related sudden and slow-onset disasters are driving people to leave their land and migrate. While migrating allows people to find alternative livelihoods and enhance their climate resilience, it can also be associated with instances of maladaptation to climate change. As such, this case highlights durable solutions in climate-driven urban sprawl in Baidoa.  

Community sensitisation meeting
19 février 2024
Mr. Simon Peter Mwesigye
Miss Teddy Kisembo
Jordana Wamboga
Aoife Ossendorp

As part of a scoping study titled Land Governance for Climate Resilience: A review and case studies from LAND-at-scale projects headed by Richard Sliuzas, Emeritus Professor, University of Twente, GLTN dove into the links between climate and land governance in the ‘’Scaling up community-based land registration and land use planning on customary land in Uganda’’ project. This case study highlights experiences from the community-based wetland management planning approach in Butaleja, Uganda, focusing on how the approach is addressing land governance issues and contributing to community climate resilience.

Scene from a workshop in the resettlement area of Guara-guara  (Búzi)
19 février 2024
Berta Rafael
Borges Chivambo
Aoife Ossendorp

As part of a scoping study titled Land Governance for Climate Resilience: A review and case studies from LAND-at-scale projects headed by Richard Sliuzas, Emeritus Professor, University of Twente, CTV explored the links between climate and land governance in the LAND-at-scale project “Scaling Community Legal Literacy, Land Rights Certification and Climate Resilience in Mozambique”. This case study focusses on experiences from the Búzi District, where Cyclone Idai (March 2019) showed the need for proactive interventions in the land sector aimed at preparing districts and local communities to face and plan for severe climatic phenomena and their impacts, but also the challenges at making this link explicit. 

12 février 2024

Ce webinaire, le quatrième de la série Advancing Land-based Investment Governance (ALIGN), a eu lieu le 9 février 2024, sous le titre " Quand les marchés du carbone tournent mal : comment garantir l'accès aux recours en cas de violation du droit foncier ". Le webinaire a attiré 562 participants et a réuni des experts politiques et des leaders communautaires. Le webinaire a été organisé conjointement par la Fondation Land Portal, l'Institut international pour l'environnement et le développement (IIED), Namati et le Columbia Center on Sustainable Development (CCSI).​

indigenas guaraníes
30 janvier 2024
Amérique latine et Caraïbes
Amérique du Sud

Desde una comunidad en el corazón de la crisis climática, la lideresa guaraní Mariela Melgar Ibáñez cree que las mujeres indígenas tienen la clave para resolver la crisis climática. “El mundo debe conocer nuestras formas de vida y el rol que tenemos dentro de el cuidado del medio ambiente; Las mujeres somos fundamentales, luchamos por el territorio.”

8 janvier 2024

In September 2023, Nairobi hosted vital climate events within a week, including the inaugural Africa Climate Summit (ACS) from 4th to 6th September. This three-day Summit convened leaders from various sectors to discuss Africa’s stance on global climate change plans, focusing on climate action financing and green growth, resulting in the unanimously adopted Nairobi Declaration. ACS ran alongside Africa Climate Week (ACW), one of four Regional Climate Weeks gathering region-focused contributions ahead of UNFCCC COP 28 in Dubai. Civil society organizations also released the African People’s Climate and Development Declaration and gathered for the Real Africa People’s Climate Summit March on Monday, September 4th.

data story climate, conflict and displacement in the Sahel
7 décembre 2023
Dr. Rick de Satgé
Sahara occidental
Afrique orientale
Afrique centrale
Burkina Faso

Le changement climatique est-il vraiment le moteur des conflits et des déplacements dans le Sahel ? Cette étude explore l'histoire des conflits dans la région, le chevauchement avec les événements climatiques et un large éventail de facteurs institutionnels pour répondre à cette question. Les cas du Mali, du Burkina Faso et de la Somalie sont utilisés comme exemples.

Visit to IIAP Carbon monitoring site
4 décembre 2023
Juan Robalino

Nature-based emission-reduction projects are considered as key for development of a carbon market, which will be worth an estimated $50 billion USD by 2030. Yet, these carbon offsetting projects continue to be the target of criticism for their lack of certainty, transparency, accessibility, equitability, and quality.

COP28 in Dubai
5 décembre 2023
Mr. Jeremy Gaunt
Amérique latine et Caraïbes

Deux ans après que les bailleurs de fonds internationaux se sont engagés à verser 1,7 milliard de dollars aux Peuples autochtones lors de la COP26, une reconnaissance de leur rôle crucial dans la protection de la biodiversité et la capture du carbone, des progrès notables ont été réalisés dans la préparation des systèmes nécessaires au versement de l'argent.

5 décembre 2023

Dans le cadre de la série Land Dialogues, le troisième webinaire de la série de cette année "Climate Funding and COP28 : Transformer les promesses en actions" a eu lieu le 28 novembre 2023. Le webinaire a attiré un peu moins de 200 participants et a réuni des panélistes allant des dirigeants autochtones aux bailleurs de fonds. La série est organisée par un consortium d'organisations, dont la Fondation Land Portal, la Fondation Thomson Reuters, la Fondation Ford et la Tenure Facility.





Em meados dos 70, pesquisadores científicos dos institutos de pesquisa ligados ás secretarias de Estado da Agricultura, Méio Ambiente e Saúde reuniram-se no auditório do Instituto Biológico, em São Paulo, com o objetivo de fundar a sua Associação de classe. Após inúmeros encontros, em 2 de Agosto de 1977 foi criada a Associação de Pesquisadores Científicos do Estado de São Paulo (APqc), tendo como objetivos a divulgação, o fortalecimento e a defesa dos institutos públicos de pesquisa paulistas, das atividades de pesquisa e de pesquisadores científicos ativos e inativos. 


O CNPq foi criado pela Lei nº 1.310, de 15 de janeiro de 1951, com a denominação de Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas. Na ocasião, o art. 1º, §1º dessa lei atribuiu ao conselho personalidade jurídica própria e o subordinou diretamente à Presidência da República. Posteriormente, a Lei nº 6.129, de 6 de novembro de 1974 transformou o Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas no atual Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico e reformulou sua configuração jurídica, atribuindo-o personalidade jurídica de direito privado, sob a forma de fundação.

Dynamic, agile and effective, the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) is working to secure a world where natural habitats and environments can sustain, and be sustained by, the communities that depend upon them for their basic needs and livelihoods.

From the cotton fields of Uzbekistan to the coastal waters of West Africa, EJF is working in some of the world’s toughest and most remote countries to shine an international spotlight on the environmental and human rights abuses that too often go unnoticed.

The Kenya Climate Change Knowledge Portal (KCCKP) is a one stop repository of climate change information in Kenya. This is an initiative of the Climate Change Directorate (CCD), the lead agency of the government on national climate change plans and actions. The Climate Change Directorate, will among other duties and functions, serve as the national knowledge and information management centre for collating, verifying, refining, and disseminating knowledge and information on climate change.

Organização internacional que trabalha por justiça social, igualdade de gênero e pelo fim da pobreza. Fomos fundados em 1972 e estamos presentes em 45 países, alcançando mais de 15 milhões de pessoas no mundo. No Brasil desde 1999, atuamos em mais de 2.4 mil comunidades e beneficiamos mais de 300 mil pessoas. Trabalhamos em parceria com comunidades e organizações locais em projetos de educação, agroecologia e clima, igualdade de gênero e participação e democracia.

The Adaptation (Ada) Consortium, a core component of the National Drought Management Authority in Kenya is piloting County Climate Change Funds (CCCF) as a Devolved Climate Finance (DCF) mechanism in five arid and semi arid counties of Garissa, Isiolo, Kitui, Makueni and Wajir. The DCF mechanism aims at supporting county governments mainstream climate change in planning and implementation as well as prepare them to access global climate finance in support of adaptation and climate resilient development.

AFR100 (the African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative) is a country-led effort to bring 100 million hectares of land in Africa into restoration by 2030. It aims to accelerate restoration to enhance food security, increase climate change resilience and mitigation, and combat rural poverty. 


American University creates meaningful change in the world. With highly ranked schools and colleges and internationally recognized faculty, AU offers a balance between class time and career-advancing experience in Washington, DC, and beyond. Its students, among the country’s most politically active, distinguish themselves for their service, leadership, and ability to rethink global and domestic challenges and opportunities.

Strengthening the capacities of farmers’ organizations to deliver better, improved, and inclusive services to their members

Care International logo
Vision and Mission
A global leader within a worldwide movement dedicated to saving lives and ending poverty
Our Vision

We seek a world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live in dignity and security.


CCCND trabaja junto con las comunidades Ch’orti en la región Nor-oriental de Guatemala. La organización provee apoyo legal y visibilidad a estas comunidades que enfrentan amenazas y violaciones a sus derechos humanos dada la implementación de proyectos hidroeléctricos y mineria en sus territorios.  Su trabajo a contribuido en la recuperación de identidad y gobernanza del territorio chòrti,  así como en la múltiples propuestas para desarrollo de política pública para el acceso a la tierra y la administración del territorio del pueblo Ch òrti`.

Dernières nouvelles

25 novembre 2022

Durant son enfance, Cécile Bibiane Ndjebet, qui a grandi dans une région reculée du Cameroun, avait une conscience aiguë des difficultés auxquelles les femmes rurales faisaient face. Elle voyait sa mère et d'autres femmes travailler de l'aube au crépuscule, pour s'occuper de la terre, des animaux et élever les enfants. Beaucoup d'entre elles effectuaient un travail éreintant sur des terres qu'elles ne pourraient jamais posséder en raison des pratiques socioculturelles traditionnelles.

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