Peuples Autochtones related Blog post | Land Portal
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Peuples Autochtones

indigenous communities
indigenous community

People whose ancestors inhabited a place or a country when persons from another culture or ethnic background arrived on the scene and dominated them through conquest, settlement, or other means and who today live more in conformity with their own social, economic, and cultural customs and traditions than those of the country of which they now form a part.


Source: Convention (No. 169) concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries, UNHCHR, 1991.

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COP28 in Dubai
5 décembre 2023
Mr. Jeremy Gaunt
Amérique latine et Caraïbes

Deux ans après que les bailleurs de fonds internationaux se sont engagés à verser 1,7 milliard de dollars aux Peuples autochtones lors de la COP26, une reconnaissance de leur rôle crucial dans la protection de la biodiversité et la capture du carbone, des progrès notables ont été réalisés dans la préparation des systèmes nécessaires au versement de l'argent.

31 août 2023
Amérique latine et Caraïbes

Casi tres décadas atrás, el 9 de agosto fue designado como el Día Internacional de los Pueblos Indígenas por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas. En América Latina, aunque se han logrado avances en el ámbito legal en cuanto a la garantía de sus derechos, basta ver un poco más allá para encontrar serias paradojas que nos obligan a levantar la voz antes que a celebrar el día.

Indigenous women in Davao City, Philippines. Photo by Bro. Jeffrey Pioquinto, SJ/Flickr
9 août 2023
Ms. Amy Coughenour Betancourt

Les peuples autochtones et les communautés locales (PA et CL) gèrent collectivement 50 % des terres de la planète et détiennent 80 % de la biodiversité mondiale et 22 % du carbone total des forêts de la planète. Pourtant, il est choquant de constater que seulement 10 % de leurs terres sont légalement reconnues et protégées.

31 mars 2023

Sous l'égide de la série "Dialogues sur le foncier" (Land Dialogues), le premier webinaire de la série de cette année " Reprendre les données : La souveraineté des femmes sur les données foncières" a eu lieu le 30 mars 2023. Le webinaire a attiré un peu plus de 220 participants et a réuni des panelistes allant de femmes leaders autochtones à des responsables de programmes.  La série est organisée par un consortium d'organisations, dont la Land Portal Foundation, la Thomson Reuters Foundation, la Ford Foundation et le Tenure Facility.  

A portrait of Hmong women in Mae Salong, Thailand
7 février 2023
Gam Shimray

Il y a deux mois, la norme sur les droits fonciers a été lancée en marge de la Conférence des Nations Unies sur le changement climatique (CoP27) en Égypte. Il s'agit d'un document unique en son genre, élaboré pendant trois ans avec plus de 70 groupes autochtones, locaux et afro-descendants, qui définit de manière élégante mais ferme des voies pour "prendre en compte et respecter leurs droits distincts et différenciés, y compris leur autonomie, leurs priorités et leur cosmovision", comme l'indique son préambule.

Nemonte Nenquimo with Waorani Elders
25 octobre 2022
Maria Cristina Feliciano
Amérique centrale

Du 6 au 18 novembre, le monde se réunit à Sharm el-Sheikh, en Égypte, pour la 2022e Conférence des Nations Unies sur le changement climatique (COP27), afin de discuter de l'agenda mondial sur le changement climatique.

Empowering civil society and communities through open land data
14 juin 2022
Amérique du Sud




14 décembre 2021
Mr. Charl-Thom Bayer
Keitha Booth

The Land Portal works to embed land governance in open data discussions and vice versa. This primer is extracted from the recently published Open Up Guide for Land Governance.


First, What is Open Data?

Indigenous forest tenure About the important role local people play in forest conservation and carbon management
5 juin 2021
Dr. Konrad Hentze
Amérique latine et Caraïbes

Les territoires des peuples autochtones couvrent 24% de la surface terrestre du globe, mais ils contiennent 80% de la biodiversité mondiale. Avec leurs liens profonds avec la terre et leur dépendance envers ses ressources, les peuples autochtones protègent et conservent les habitats naturels. Cette histoire raconte pourquoi cette reconnaissance est si importante.

Environmental Justice
25 août 2021
Namati Communications

Submission Deadline: All manuscripts should be submitted for consideration by December 31, 2021.

The global environmental crisis is intertwined with the crisis of social and economic inequality. From coal plants to palm oil plantations, economic activities that threaten the planet are concentrated in communities with less power and wealth. “You can’t have climate change without sacrifice zones,” writes Hop Hopkins, “and you can’t have sacrifice zones without disposable people.”1




The Alianza Territorial Mapuche (PuLofMapuXawvn ) is one of the grassroots organizations based in Gulu Mapu, the Chilean side of Wallmapu. The ATM’s core mission is the full defence of the Mapuche’s inherent rights, especially concerning the protection of their territory and natural environment. ATM is similar to an NGO in the sense that the organization is not registered under Chilean law. The ATM covers different territories of the Mapuche Nation and is involved in several communities that feel they represent the spirit of the organization.

Anuario Antropologico

Anuário Antropológico (Anuário Antropológico)

Anuário Antropológico é uma revista semestral do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social da Universidade de Brasília (PPGAS/UnB). Publica artigos originais, ensaios bibliográficos, resenhas, críticas e outros textos de natureza acadêmica que apresentem pesquisas empíricas de qualidade, diálogos teóricos relevantes e perspectivas analíticas diversas. A Revista publica textos em português, inglês, espanhol ou francês.Os artigos selecionados pela comissão editorial são submetidos a pareceristas externos em regime de anonimato.

A Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil – APIB é uma instância de aglutinação e referência nacional do movimento indígena no Brasil, que nasceu com o propósito de:

– fortalecer a união dos povos indígenas, a articulação entre as diferentes regiões e organizações indígenas do país;
– unificar as lutas dos povos indígenas, a pauta de reivindicações e demandas e a política do movimento indígena;
– mobilizar os povos e organizações indígenas do país contra as ameaças e agressões aos direitos indígenas.

The Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) is a regional organization founded in 1988 by indigenous peoples' movements. AIPP is committed to the cause of promoting and defending indigenous peoples' rights and human rights and articulating issues of relevance to indigenous peoples. At present, AIPP has 47 members from 14 countries in Asia with 14 National Formations, 15 Sub-national Formations and 18 Local Formations. Of this number, 6 are Indigenous Women's Organizations and 4 are Indigenous Youth Organizations.

Our Vision

Asia Survey

The only academic journal of its kind produced in the United States, Asian Survey provides a comprehensive retrospective of contemporary international relations within South, Southeast, and East Asian nations. As the Asian community’s matrix of activities becomes increasingly complex, it is essential to have a sourcebook for sound analysis of current events, governmental policies, socio-economic development, and financial institutions. In Asian Survey you’ll find that sourcebook.


The Asian Indigenous Women’s Network wants to support, sustain and help consolidate the various efforts of indigenous women in Asia to critically understand the roots of their marginalized situation and to empower themselves by becoming aware of their rights as women and as indigenous peoples, and by developing their own organizations or structures for empowerment.

Bertha Logo

Bertha Foundation fights for a more just world. We support activists, storytellers, and lawyers who are working to bring about social and economic justice and human rights for all.

Both Ends

Together with environmental justice and human rights groups from poor and developing countries, Both ENDS works towards a sustainable, fair and inclusive world.

The vision of Both ENDS is a world where long-term environmental sustainability and social equity take priority over short-term profits.

Martinus Nijhoff Publishers was an independent academic publishing company dating back to the nineteenth century, which is now an imprint of Brill Publishers. Founded in 1683, Brill is a publishing house with a rich history and a strong international focus. The name was changed to Brill–Nijhoff. Brill is a prestigious imprint with its portfolio focuses on areas in Public International Law, Human Rights, Humanitarian Law and increasingly on International Relations. Brill publishes over 800 books per year in both print and electronic format.

Mission et Objectifs

Le CED s’est donné pour mission de contribuer à la protection des droits, des intérêts, de la culture et les aspirations des communautés locales et autochtones des forêts d’Afrique Centrale, par la promotion de la justice environnementale et de la gestion durable des ressources naturelles dans la région.

Nos objectifs sont les suivants:

  • Réduire les impacts écologiques et sociaux des industries extractives;
O Centro de Cultura Luiz Freire (CCLF) é uma organização não governamental de direitos humanos, que surge em 1972, a partir de um grupo que buscava a restauração da democracia, através de atividades culturais e projetos de desenvolvimento comunitário, durante o período autoritário da Ditadura Militar brasileira.

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