association d'agriculteurs related Event | Land Portal
Il y a 185 éléments de contenu liés à association d'agriculteurs sur le Land Portal.
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5 mars 2024 to 19 mars 2024

NASA’s Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET) has opened a new open, online webinar series: Large Scale Applications of Machine Learning using Remote Sensing for Building Agriculture Solutions. Remote sensing data is becoming crucial to solve some of the most important environmental problems, especially pertaining to agricultural applications and food security. Participants will become familiar with data format and quality considerations, tools, and techniques to process remote sensing imagery at large scale from publicly available satellite sources, using cloud tools such as AWS S3, Databricks, and Parquet. Additionally, participants will learn how to analyze and train machine learning models for classification using this large source of data to solve environmental problems with a focus on agriculture. 




4 avril 2023 to 13 avril 2023

NASA’s Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET) has opened a new online advanced webinar series: Crop Mapping using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Optical Remote Sensing. This three-part training, presented in English and Spanish, is open to the public and builds on previous ARSET agricultural trainings. Here we present more advanced radar remote sensing techniques using polarimetry and a canopy structure dynamic model to monitor crop growth. The training will also cover methods that use machine learning methods to classify crop type using a time series of Sentinel-1 & Sentinel-2 imagery. This series will include practical exercises using the Sentinel Application Platform (SNAP) and Python code written in Python Jupyter Notebooks, a web-based interactive development environment for scientific computing and machine learning.

9 décembre 2020 to 10 décembre 2020



Afin d’accompagner la dynamique et le développement d’un secteur  agricole fort et performant en Afrique francophone, i-conférences organise la septième édition de l’Africa Agri Forum les 9 et 10 décembre prochains au Hilton Yaoundé. Ce Forum est organisé en partenariat avec OCP Africa et avec l’appui de l’Union Africaine. 

25 mars 2019 to 30 mars 2019



The General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028 on 20 December 2017 in order to improve the position of family farmers in all five (5) continents.

World Rural Forum
HEKS/EPER Land Forum 2018: Putting the Peasants Rights’ Declaration into practice CIAT picture
10 décembre 2018


Friedenskirche Bern
Friedensstrasse 9

There are high hopes that the process of drawing up an international human rights instrument for the promotion and protection of peasant rights will soon be crowned with success: In September, the Human Rights Council decides whether the newly negotiated UN Declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas will be sent to the United Nations’ General Assembly in New Y

11 août 2017 to 11 octobre 2017


Av. Presidente Vargas, 417/ 8º 20.071-003 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ
2224-8577 Rio de Janeiro

O Comitê Executivo da Rede Brasileira de Pesquisa em Soberania e Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional tem a satisfação de confirmar a realização do III Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em SSAN nos dias 08, 09 e 10 de Novembro de 2017, na cidade de Curitiba (PR), em local ainda a ser escolhido entre as opções existentes.



The Agri-Malawi Magazine is an agricultural focused publication with dynamic online platform with its editorial office based in Blantyre, Malawi with a great network of representative writers and journalist across major cities in the country.

The Alliance For Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) is a Pan African platform representing small holder farmers, pastoralists, hunter/gatherers, indigenous peoples, citizens and environmentalists from Africa who possess a strong voice that shapes policy on the continent in the area of community rights, family farming, promotion of traditional knowledge and knowledge systems, the environment and natural resource management.

Strengthening the capacities of farmers’ organizations to deliver better, improved, and inclusive services to their members

La Coldiretti con un milione e mezzo di associati è la principale Organizzazione degli imprenditori agricoli a livello nazionale ed europeo. 
Dal 2013 presieduta da Roberto Moncalvo la cui elezione e’ coerente con il processo di rinnovamento della classe dirigente sul territorio.

UPA DI s’est donnée pour mission de soutenir la ferme familiale comme modèle d’agriculture durable en appuyant les organisations professionnelles agricoles démocratiques, les systèmes collectifs de mise en marché des produits agricoles et toute autre initiative structurant l’avenir de l’agriculture dans les pays en voie de développement.


La Coordination Nationale des Organisations Paysannes est une organisation socioprofessionnelle à but non lucratif, apolitique, non confessionnelle, non discriminatoire, dotée de la personnalité morale et de l’autonomie financière. Elle est régie par la Loi N° 04-038 / du 05 Août 2004 relative aux associations.

La CNOP a deux fonctions principales, dont une fonction de représentation politique et une fonction de défense des intérêts des producteurs Agricoles

Fonction de représentation politique :

Enda Pronat

ENDA PRONAT est née au début des années 80 suite à une étude réalisée par Paul Germain et Abou Thiam  sur « Les pesticides : une menace pour le Sénégal ». Son intervention a commencé par des activités de sensibilisation auprès des chercheurs et des utilisateurs. Ensuite l’action de PRONAT s’est poursuivie par la recherche et la formation des productrices et des producteurs sur l’utilisation d’alternatives aux pesticides chimiques. L’année 1996 consacre l’avènement d’une nouvelle vision mettant la recherche développement au centre des préoccupations de ENDA PRONAT.

NNFU is a national federation of regional farmers unions. It was established in June 1992 to serve as a mouthpiece for Namibian communal and emerging farmers. Twelve regional farmers unions are currently affiliated. NNFU is registered as 'An association not for Gain' in accordance with the provisions of section 21 of the Company Act, Act N 61 of 1973. Official registration number 21/98/529.

The National Smallholder Farmers' Association of Malawi (NASFAM) is the largest smallholder owned membership organisation in Malawi. It is founded on the principles of collective action and is democratically governed by its members.

 All NASFAM's operations are guided by its vision to be:

 “the leading smallholder-owned business and development organisation in Malawi, producing economic and social benefits for members, their communities and the country”.

with the mission of NASFAM being:

PELUM Association

PELUM Association is a regional network of over 250 civil society organizations in 12 countries in East, Central and Southern Africa working in the area of participatory ecological land use management. The Association works to improve the livelihoods of small-scale farmers and the sustainability of farming communities, by fostering ecological land use management. Country chapters include Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Botswana, South Africa, Swaziland and Ethiopia.

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