Résultats de la recherche | Land Portal

Résultats de la recherche

Showing items 1 through 9 of 15.
  1. Library Resource
    Documents de politique et mémoires
    décembre, 2013
    Caraïbes, Afrique septentrionale, Afrique orientale, Asie orientale, Asie méridionale, Europe orientale, Afrique australe, Afrique sub-saharienne, Afrique, Asie

    The 2013 Global Hunger Index (GHI) report-the eighth in an annual series- presents a multidimensional measure of national, regional, and global hunger. It shows that the world has made some progress in reducing hunger since 1990, but still has far to go. The 2013 GHI report focuses on resilience in theory and in practice. The relief and development communities have long struggled to understand why some people fare better than others when confronting stresses or shocks.

  2. Library Resource
    Documents de politique et mémoires
    décembre, 2013
    Caraïbes, Afrique septentrionale, Afrique orientale, Asie orientale, Asie méridionale, Europe orientale, Afrique australe, Afrique sub-saharienne, Afrique, Asie

    Der Bericht zum Welthunger-Index 2013 – der achte in einer jährlich erscheinenden Serie – stellt die Entwicklung des weltweiten, regionalen und nationalen Hungers mittels eines mehrdimensionalen Indexwertes dar. Er zeigt, dass die Weltgemeinschaft bei der Bekämpfung des Hungers seit 1990 gewisse Fortschritte gemacht hat, dass aber noch viel zu tun ist.

  3. Library Resource
    Documents de politique et mémoires
    décembre, 2014
    Asie méridionale, Afrique septentrionale, Afrique orientale, Afrique occidentale, Caraïbes, Afrique sub-saharienne, Afrique, Asie, Amérique du Sud, Inde

    Der Welthunger-Index (WHI) 2014 stellt die nationale, regionale und weltweite Hungersituation zum neunten Mal in jahrlicher Folge multidimensional dar. Er zeigt, dass bei der globalen Hungerbekampfung seit 1990 Fortschritte erzielt werden konnten, jedoch angesichts sehr ernster oder gar gravierender Hungerwerte in 16 Landern noch immer groser Handlungsbedarf besteht. Der Schwerpunkt dieses Berichts liegt auf einem entscheidenden Aspekt des Hungers, der haufig ubersehen wird, dem verborgenen Hunger.

  4. Library Resource
    décembre, 2014
    Asie méridionale, Afrique septentrionale, Afrique orientale, Afrique occidentale, Caraïbes, Afrique sub-saharienne, Afrique, Asie, Amérique du Sud, Inde

    The Global Hunger Index (GHI) is based on three equally weighted indicators: > Undernourishment: the proportion of undernourished people as a percentage of the population (reflecting the share of the population with insufficient caloric intake); > Child underweight: the proportion of children younger than age five who are underweight (that is, have low weight for their age, reflecting wasting, stunted growth, or both), which is one indicator of child undernutrition; and > Child mortality: the mortality rate of children younger than age five (partially reflecting the fat

  5. Library Resource
    Documents de politique et mémoires
    décembre, 2014
    Asie méridionale, Afrique septentrionale, Afrique orientale, Afrique occidentale, Caraïbes, Afrique sub-saharienne, Afrique, Asie, Amérique du Sud, Inde

    Le rapport de l’Indice de la faim dans le monde 2014 – neuvieme edition – propose une mesure multidimensionnelle de la faim au niveau national, regional et mondial. Le GHI 2014 montre les progres effectues en matiere de reduction de la faim depuis 1990, mais des efforts restent a faire, le niveau de la faim restant alarmant voire extremement alarmant dans 16 pays. Cette annee, le GHI se concentre sur un aspect particulier de la faim souvent neglige : la faim invisible.

  6. Library Resource
    Documents de politique et mémoires
    décembre, 2014
    Asie méridionale, Afrique septentrionale, Afrique orientale, Afrique occidentale, Caraïbes, Afrique sub-saharienne, Afrique, Asie, Amérique du Sud, Inde

    The 2014 Global Hunger Index (GHI) report—the ninth in an annual series—presents a multidimensional measure of national, regional, and global hunger. It shows that the world has made progress in reducing hunger since 1990, but still has far to go, with levels of hunger remaining “alarming” or “extremely alarming” in 16 countries. This year’s report focuses on a critical aspect of hunger that is often overlooked: hidden hunger. Also known as micronutrient deficiency, hidden hunger affects more than an estimated 2 billion people globally.

  7. Library Resource
    janvier, 2000

    There has long been an active debate in Haiti - as in many other developing countries - over whether or not the customary tenure system constrains technology adoption and agricultural development, and whether cadaster and land titling should be national priorities. This paper contributes to this debate by reviewing and interpreting the body of literature and new empirical evidence concerning the relationship between land tenure and the adoption of technology in rural Haiti.

  8. Library Resource
    Publication évaluée par des pairs
    Articles et Livres
    décembre, 2014
    Asie méridionale, Afrique septentrionale, Afrique orientale, Afrique occidentale, Europe orientale, Caraïbes, Afrique sub-saharienne, Afrique, Asie, Amérique du Sud, Inde

    A un anno dalla scadenza per il raggiungimento degli Obiettivi di Sviluppo del Millennio, fissata nel 2015, l’Indice Globale della Fame 2014 offre una prospettiva articolata del problema della fame nel mondo, che porta nuovi spunti al dibattito mondiale rispetto a dove concentrare gli sforzi nella lotta contro la fame e la malnutrizione. Secondo il GHI 2014, lo stato della fame nei Paesi in via di sviluppo è complessivamente migliorato in confronto al 1990, con un calo del 39%.

  9. Library Resource
    Articles et Livres
    décembre, 2013
    Caraïbes, Afrique septentrionale, Afrique orientale, Asie orientale, Asie méridionale, Europe orientale, Afrique australe, Afrique sub-saharienne, Afrique, Asie

    Nel 2012 la tempesta tropicale Isaac e l’uragano Sandy hanno martoriato Haiti, danneggiando i raccolti, facendo straripare i fiumi, alla­gando le strade e bloccando l’accesso alle comunità. Mentre i prezzi ali­mentari aumentavano e i debiti crescevano, gli haitiani poveri hanno adot­tato misure estreme. Alcuni sono emigrati. Altri hanno resistito riducendo il numero di pasti al giorno e svendendo le proprie terre o il bestiame. Ogni estate, gli haitiani temono lo scatenarsi della furia degli elementi.

  10. Library Resource
    Articles et Livres
    décembre, 2013
    Caraïbes, Afrique septentrionale, Afrique orientale, Asie orientale, Asie méridionale, Europe orientale, Afrique australe, Afrique sub-saharienne, Afrique, Asie

    The 2013 Global Hunger Index (GHI), which reflects data from the period 2008-2012, shows that global hunger has improved since 1990, falling by one-third. Despite the progress made, the level of hunger in the world remains “serious,” with 870 million people going hungry, according to estimates by the Food and Agriculture Organiza­tion of the United Nations.Across regions and countries, GHI scores vary considerably. South Asia and Africa south of the Sahara are home to the highest GHI scores.

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