Résultats de la recherche | Land Portal

Résultats de la recherche

Showing items 1 through 9 of 101.
  1. Library Resource
    Articles et Livres
    juillet, 2018
    Kenya, Libéria, Bangladesh, États-Unis d'Amérique, Philippines, Afrique du Sud, Malaisie, Mali, Chine, Royaume-Uni, Ghana, Inde, Malawi, Pakistan, Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, Pays-Bas

    A survey of business models that provide opportunities for smallholders.

  2. Library Resource
    Articles et Livres
    septembre, 2018
    République-Unie de Tanzanie, Suisse, États-Unis d'Amérique, Kenya, Afrique du Sud, Tadjikistan, Zimbabwe, Namibie, Indonésie, Botswana, Australie, Canada, Nouvelle-Zélande, Pakistan, Finlande, Mexique, Mongolie

    Wildlife management is the focus of considerable international debate because of its importance for biodiversity conservation, human safety, livelihoods and food security. Local people have been managing wildlife for millennia, including through hunting. Sufficient examples are presented in this edition to show that sustainable wildlife management is also feasible in the modern era.

  3. Library Resource
    Articles et Livres
    mars, 2019
    États-Unis d'Amérique, Espagne, Afrique du Sud, Israël, Chili, Allemagne, Italie, Australie, Royaume-Uni, Autriche, Inde, Costa Rica, Mexique, Nouvelle-Zélande

    This publication contains the papers presented at the Expert Consultation on Issues in Water Law Reform, convened by FAO in Pretoria, Republic of South Africa, 3 to 5 June 1997. The Expert Consultation was the first activity under, and served as a launch for, the FAO-funded and -executed project of technical assistance to the Republic of South Africa, TCP/SAF/6711 "Review of water legislation". It was arranged and timed so as to provide a comparative water law and administration input to the drafting of a National Water Bill, then underway.

  4. Library Resource
    Articles et Livres
    décembre, 2005
    Cameroun, Espagne, États-Unis d'Amérique, Arménie, Afrique du Sud, Singapour, Kirghizistan, Chili, Azerbaïdjan, Chine, Roumanie, Indonésie, Australie, Canada, Nouvelle-Zélande, Japon, Inde, Fédération de Russie, Pakistan, Mexique, République démocratique du Congo

    This publication offers a fresh look at the theory and practice of modern water rights, from a comparative law angle. It sheds light on a number of key features of such rights, and contrasts these to traditional forms and kinds of water rights. It teases out and discusses the relevant problematique, including in particular that elicited the sale and leasing of water rights. Finally, a stock-taking and assessment of modern water rights systems impacts are volunteered. This publication complements two earlier issues featured in the FAO Legislative Studies series, i.e.

  5. Library Resource
    Articles et Livres
    juillet, 2018
    France, Belgique, États-Unis d'Amérique, Espagne, Afrique du Sud, Grèce, Suède, Allemagne, Pérou, Australie, Canada, Nouvelle-Zélande, Inde, Costa Rica, Finlande, Norvège, Koweït

    This publication is intended to assist anyone involved in the development or implementation of a legal or institutional framework to promote integrated coastal management (ICM). It includes revised versions of some of the information contained in the 1994 FAO publication "Legal and Institutional Aspects of Integrated Coastal Area Management in National Legislation" and the 1998 FAO Publication "Integrated Coastal Area Management and Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries", FAO Guidelines.

  6. Library Resource
    Matériels institutionnels et promotionnels
    mars, 2019
    Afrique du Sud, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, États-Unis d'Amérique

    The five articles in these newsletter are a good reflection of what FAO does on a day to day basis in Lesotho. Our work spans from high policy and strategic level engagements to downstream initiatives with rural communities. The human interest stories shared in these articles show the importance of healthy natural resource base in improving and sustaining the livelihoods of the rural poor.

  7. Library Resource
    Matériels institutionnels et promotionnels
    décembre, 2016
    Rwanda, Égypte, Maroc, Danemark, Suisse, États-Unis d'Amérique, Kenya, Afrique du Sud, Yémen, Turquie, Espagne, Burundi, Chine, République-Unie de Tanzanie, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Fédération de Russie, Soudan, Malaisie, Arabie saoudite, Émirats arabes unis

    This study analyses Egypt’s agricultural sector and its performance over time, identifies constraints to increasing production and exports, and examines the key role of trade in inclusive agriculture development. After a review of current trends in the agricultural sector and trade policies, the study elaborates on the main pillars of Egypt’s current agricultural development strategy and the factors inhibiting growth of agricultural production and trade.

  8. Library Resource
    Articles et Livres
    décembre, 2018
    Seychelles, Angola, République démocratique du Congo, États-Unis d'Amérique, Maurice, Botswana, Afrique du Sud, Lesotho, Mozambique, Madagascar, Namibie, République-Unie de Tanzanie, Zambie, Zimbabwe, Canada, Malawi, Italie, Eswatini, Suisse

    This document details the activities that were undertaken by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and cooperating agencies (the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of South Africa (DAFF), the Africa Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) and the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC)) leading to the production of a Regional Aquatic Biosecurity Strategy for the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and its subsequent adoption by SADC and incorporation into SADC programmes.

  9. Library Resource
    Articles et Livres
    février, 2019
    Égypte, Maroc, Yémen, Tunisie, États-Unis d'Amérique, Espagne, Afrique du Sud, Israël, Chili, Ouzbékistan, Italie, Australie, Chypre, Pays-Bas, Malte, Iraq, Inde, Pakistan, Chine, Brésil

    This report aims to provide a conceptual framework to address food security under conditions of water scarcity in agriculture. It has been prepared by a team of FAO staff and consultants in the framework of the project `Coping with water scarcity: the role of agriculture?, and has been discussed at an Expert Consultation meeting organized in FAO, Rome in December 2009 on the same subject. It was subsequently edited and revised, taking account of discussions in the Expert Consultation and materia ls presented to the meeting.

  10. Library Resource
    Articles et Livres
    février, 2018
    Népal, France, Botswana, États-Unis d'Amérique, Japon, Afrique du Sud, Mozambique, Allemagne, Italie, Luxembourg, Ghana, Nouvelle-Zélande, Islande, Inde, Éthiopie, Costa Rica, Pays-Bas

    The publication was launched at the Global Symposium on Soil Organic Carbon (GSOC) held at FAO headquarters (Rome, 21-23 March 2017). It provides an overview to decision-makers and practitioners of the main scientific facts and information regarding the current knowledge and knowledge gaps on Soil Organic Carbon. It highlights how better information and good practices may be implemented to support ending hunger, adapting to and mitigating climate change and achieving overall sustainable developm ent.

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