nature reserves related Blog post | Land Portal
There are 390 content items of different types and languages related to nature reserves on the Land Portal.
21 October 2021
Ms. Kelly Oakes

Fresh water, clean air, peace of mind – natural landscapes make life better for humans in myriad ways. Now scientists are trying to put a dollar figure on exactly how much nature is worth.

Tucked away in the Scottish Highlands, in an old commercial forest known as Birchfield near Loch Ness, is a rewilding project with a difference.

WOLTS Gender Guidelines - Mokoro, PCC and ALAMGAC Land Use Planning Collaboration
30 March 2021
Dr. Elizabeth Daley
J. Batsaikhan
Lkhamdulam Natsagdorj


Pilot study supports national roll-out of participatory land use planning


Sound, sustainable land management is critical to the long-term viability of Mongolia’s traditional herding way of life. And careful planning at local level, in a participatory and gender-inclusive way, is needed to underpin that.


Uncontrolled deforestation
4 December 2020
Mr. Francisco Carranza
Ms. Joan Waithira Mwangi
Dr. Maria Paola Rizzo
Mrs. Francesca Romano
Latin America and the Caribbean

For centuries, people around the world in the continents of Asia, Africa, Oceania and Latin America have been living off the forests and other natural resources to sustain their livelihoods, their cultural practices and sometimes even religious rituals.

Village in rural Malawi (©Lorenzo Cotula)
22 October 2018
Mr. Lorenzo Cotula

Following last week’s meeting of the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS), this piece reflects on a key CFS soft-law instrument. It is an edited extract from the article “International Soft-Law Instruments and Global Resource Governance: Reflections on the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure”, Law, Environment and Development Journal (2017) 13(2):115-133. The full article can be freely downloaded at

Voçoroca em Mato Grosso. Foto: Cláudio Capeche

Autor: Amélio Dall’Agnol

Edward Loure, 2016 Goldman Environmental Prize winner for Africa, led a grassroots organization that pioneered an approach that gives land title to indigenous communities. Photo Credit: Goldman Environmental Prize

By Justin Adams, Global Managing Director for Lands at The Nature Conservancy.

Edward Loure and The Nature Conservancy have a common story. The story is one of reducing conflict by finding common ground—in this case both literally and metaphorically.


A Articulação Nacional de Agroecologia (ANA) é um espaço de articulação e convergência entre movimentos, redes e organizações da sociedade civil brasileira engajadas em experiências concretas de promoção da agroecologia, de fortalecimento da produção familiar e de construção de alternativas sustentáveis de desenvolvimento rural. Atualmente a ANA articula vinte e três redes estaduais e regionais, que reúnem centenas de grupos, associações e organizações não governamentais em todo o país, além de quinze movimentos sociais de abrangência nacional.

A global conservation legacy

Conservation International works to spotlight and secure the critical benefits that nature provides to humanity. Since our inception, we’ve helped to protect more than 6 million square kilometers (2.3 million square miles) of land and sea across more than 70 countries. Currently with offices in 29 countries and 2,000 partners worldwide, our reach is truly global.

Our Mission


GEO-ECO-TROP aims to promote the Natural Sciences and Earth Sciences of tropical and subtropical environments and the dissemination of this knowledge to the public.

O Greenpeace chegou ao Brasil no mesmo ano em que o país abrigou a primeira e mais importante conferência ambiental da História, a Eco-92.

O protesto que marca a fundação da organização por aqui foi uma ação contra a usina nuclear de Angra. Chegando por mar, ao bordo do navio Rainbow Warrior, os ativistas fixaram 800 cruzes no pátio da usina, simbolizando o número de mortos no acidente de Chernobyl.


A INA é uma entidade civil sem fins lucrativos, de caráter temático e corporativo, formalmente instituída em 08 de julho de 2017. Seus principais objetivos são a busca pela promoção e defesa dos direitos, interesses e prerrogativas individuais e coletivas de seus associados em todo o território nacional, bem como o posicionamento e a incidência na formulação, execução e defesa da política indigenista, a partir da perspectiva da autonomia dos povos indígenas e do Estado pluriétnico e democrático.

O Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia (IPAM) é uma organização científica, não governamental e sem fins lucrativos que desde 1995 trabalha pelo desenvolvimento sustentável da Amazônia, de modo a gerar prosperidade econômica, justiça social e a conservação da integridade funcional dos ecossistemas da região.

O principal objetivo do Instituto Humanitas Unisinos – IHU é apontar novas questões e buscar respostas para os grandes desafios de nossa época, a partir da visão do humanismo social cristão, participando, ativa e ousadamente, do debate cultural em que se configura a sociedade do futuro. Para isso, o Instituto assume cinco grandes áreas orientadoras de sua reflexão e ação, as quais constituem-se em referenciais inter e retrorrelacionados, capazes de facilitar a elaboração de atividades transdisciplinares:

We’re a charity founded in 1895 by three people who saw the importance of our nation’s heritage and open spaces and wanted to preserve them for everyone to enjoy.  More than 120 years later, these values are still at the heart of everything we do. We look after special places throughout England, Wales and Northern Ireland for ever, for everyone.

As a charity we rely for income on membership fees, donations and legacies, and revenue raised from our commercial operations.

natural areas association logo

The Natural Areas Association is the only national, non-profit membership organization that is dedicated to the support and advancement of the community of natural areas professionals.

Together, we envision a world where science-based conservation is the bedrock of protecting the beauty and wonder of nature.


Our Vision is to be a world-class university committed to scholarly excellence.

Our Mission is to provide quality university education and training and to embody the aspirations of the Kenyan people and the global community through creation, preservation, integration, transmission and utilization of knowledge.

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