| Land Portal

collective ownership

Collective ownership is the ownership of means of production by all members of a group for the benefit of all its members.

Source: Wikipedia

Displaying 31 - 40 of 98
Reports & Research
April 2017

La siguiente es la trascripción casi literal de una larga conversación sostenida con Juana Payaba, expresidenta de la Comunidad Nativa Tres Islas, la única comunidad del departamento de Madre de Dios, en el sureste peruano, que ha logrado el reconocimiento de sus derechos consuetudinarios como pueblo indígena.

Journal Articles & Books
March 2017

Women face many problems with regard to land inheritance and land rights in Kenya. Individual and community land ownership do not favour women. The reason for this is that ownership of land is patrilineal, which means that fathers share land amongst sons, while excluding daughters.

Reports & Research
February 2017
South America

Entre el 23 de octubre y el 02 de diciembre de 2016, el IPDRS y el Land Portal, llevaron adelante un foro debate en línea sobre la Propiedad colectiva de la tierra en Sudamérica, desafíos y perspectivas, buscando alimentar la discusión que actualmente proviene de toda una dinámica global desde ONG, centros de investigación, activistas, universidades, colectivos y claramente organizaciones campe

How Do Differences in Land Ownership Types in China Affect Land Development? A Case from Beijing
Peer-reviewed publication
January 2017

China has a unique land use system in which there are two types of land ownership, namely, state-owned urban land and farmer collective-owned rural land.

Land reform by default: uncovering patterns of agricultural decollectivization in Tajikistan
Peer-reviewed publication
January 2017

Like that in other post-communist states, Tajikistan’s agricultural decollectivization was initiated through top-down measures. However, the implementation process has not been uniform across the state’s territory; in some districts collective farms were quickly and thoroughly broken up, while in others the process is just now beginning.

Institutional & promotional materials
December 2016

This policy brief presents the main findings of a situational analysis and assessment of women’s and youth’s ability to access community land in Turkana County, Kenya, with a focus on their rights.

December 2016

O povo Guarani do município de Macharetí, no departamento de Chuquisaca Bolívia, durante muitos anos lutaram pela titulação da terra. Actualmente e depois de cinco processos de titulação, Macharetí Associação Comunitária tem 184,757 hectares que incluem o local de Yembiguasu. Esta propriedade está longe da comunidade e está localizado na fronteira com o Paraguai.

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