Punjab Vegetable Market (Lahore) Ordinance, 1963 (W. P. Ordinance XXI of 1963).
An Ordinance to provide for the establishment of a wholesale vegetable market at Lahore and to validate actions taken under the Martial Law Order No. 121 issued by the Martial Law Administrator, Zone B, and the West Pakistan Ordinance No, XXI of 1962.
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This Ordinance provides for the establishment of a wholesale vegetable market at Lahore.The Ordinance recognizes the power of the Commissioner to take possession of the land required for the establishment of the vegetable market. The Lahore Improvement Trust shall then be responsible for paying compensation to the land owner and shall: lay out the vegetable market on the land; allot sites to vegetable dealers and commission agents dealing in wholesale vegetable trade; etc. It is prohibited to carry out wholesale vegetable trade except at the vegetable market established under this Ordinance.