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Peer-reviewed publication
February 2021
United States of America

It is crucial to pay close attention to the ecological security in land consolidation and utilization of coastal tidal areas and make an appropriate zoning scheme to meet the characteristics of its particular landscape. Landscape security patterns can identify the patterns that are crucial to the health and security of landscape ecological processes by analyzing and simulation them.

Peer-reviewed publication
February 2021
United States of America

Regional ecological security assessment is a significant methodology for environmental protection, land utilisation, and human development. This study aims to reveal the regional constraints of ecological resources to overcome the difficulties and complexities in quantification of current models used in land ecosystems.

Peer-reviewed publication
February 2021

In agriculture, land use and land classification address questions such as “where”, “why” and “when” a particular crop is grown within a particular agroecology. To date, there are several land suitability analysis (LSA) methods, but there is no consensus on the best method for crop suitability analysis. We conducted a scoping review to evaluate methodological strategies for LSA.

Peer-reviewed publication
February 2021

Land use and land cover (LULC) changes are regarded as one of the key drivers of ecosystem services degradation, especially in mountain regions where they may provide various ecosystem services to local livelihoods and surrounding areas. Additionally, ecosystems and habitats extend across political boundaries, causing more difficulties for ecosystem conservation.

Peer-reviewed publication
February 2021
United States of America

The influence of landscape on nutrient dynamics in rivers constitutes an important research issue because of its significance with regard to water and land management. In the current study spatial and temporal variability of N-NO3 and P-PO4 concentrations and their landscape dependence was documented in the Świder River catchment in central Poland.

Peer-reviewed publication
February 2021

Environmental services of biodiversity, clean water, etc., have been considered byproducts of farming and grazing, but population pressures and a move from rural to peri-urban areas are changing land use practices, reducing these services and increasing land degradation.

Peer-reviewed publication
February 2021
United States of America

Implementation of the Grain for Green program (GGP) intensifies land use/cover change (LUCC) in the loess hilly-gully region. Clarifying the response of LUCC to the GGP and its driving forces are basic premises to implement the GGP more effectively for alleviating soil erosion in this region.

Peer-reviewed publication
January 2021
United States of America

Regional land use transitions driven by the adaptive reconciliation of existing land use conflict with socioeconomic development can lead to positive economic effects as well as new land use conflict. Although research on land use transition has progressed considerably, limited studies have explored the spatiotemporal dynamic pattern of land use conflict during the land use transition period.

Peer-reviewed publication
January 2021
United States of America

Land use and land cover (LULC) change influences many issues such as the climate, ecological environment, and economy. In this study, the LULC transitions in the Yellow River Basin (YRB) were analyzed based on the GlobeLand30 land use data in 2000, 2010, and 2020.