agricultura related Blog post | Land Portal
21 Março 2019

By Deborah Espinosa and Patrick Gallagher, USAID’s Land Technology Solutions Program


Persistent and pervasive gender inequality is a global development challenge that constrains economic growth, educational opportunities, and health outcomes. It jeopardizes food security and undermines poverty reduction strategies. The world over, some formal and many informal laws and customs operate to hinder women’s empowerment and thus their full potential as agents of economic and social change.

7 Maio 2019
Gilvander Moreira
América do Sul
Apresentação dos dados da CPT por Gilvander Moreira[1]


DR - Jornal de Angola
8 Abril 2019
Por Osvaldo Gonçalves
A insistência com que se refere à necessidade de os Estados direccionarem mais os seus investimentos para a vertente humana deve, de uma vez por todas, captar a atenção dos dirigentes africanos, sob pena de os países do continente continuarem a falar em potencialidades agrícolas, enquanto gastam por ano milhares de milhões de dólares na importaçao de produtos alimentares.
Ricardo Stuckert
14 Março 2019
América do Sul

Por  Gisella Meneguelli para Greenme

8 Março 2019
Anouska Perram
República Centro-Africana
República Democrática do Congo

Improving how we work for – and with – indigenous and local women in their communities


As a human rights organisation, gender justice is a fundamental principle of our work, and we have long been conscious of, and sought to address, the barriers to effective participation in decision-making by women, as well as the other human rights violations they may face on account of their gender.

Instituto Gueledes
10 Outubro 2018
Instituto Geledes
América do Sul
As conquistas disponibilizadas pela Reforma Agrária dão aos assentados muito além de um lote de terra. Em outubro de 1989, no município de Anastácio, no Mato Grosso do Sul, 181 famílias ocuparam uma fazenda pertencente à Rede Ferroviária Federal (REFSA) com o objetivo de fazer com que aquela terra cumprisse com a sua função social. Em fevereiro de 1993, 147 dessas famílias foram assentadas naquela área.
Women working in a field  Women at work in Sri Lanka. Photo: Lakshman Nadaraja/World Bank
26 Setembro 2018
Olivier De Schutter

This week in Geneva, the Human Rights Council is expected to take a position on the follow-up to a draft Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other Persons Working in Rural Areas. Five years after the start of the negotiations, we are at a turning point.

Photo by: Sandra Coburn / The Cloudburst Group
17 Abril 2018
Matt Sommerville

Much of the world’s rural landscapes are technically managed by national governments with limited recognition of, or support for, the rights and management responsibilities of the rural poor who live in these areas. In an era of large-scale land acquisitions for global commodity production, this has led, in some cases, to governments allocating vast tracts of land and resources to companies with limited or no consultation of the people affected.


Autor:jornal La Repubblica/ IHU On Line



Quando degustamos a nossa barra de chocolate, milhares de hectares de florestas africanas já desapareceram, matando animais e ecossistemas inteiros. Árvores pertencentes a parques nacionais e zonas que deviam ser protegidas tornaram-se vítimas do desmatamento, para deixar espaço para a indústria do cacau.




Organização internacional que trabalha por justiça social, igualdade de gênero e pelo fim da pobreza. Fomos fundados em 1972 e estamos presentes em 45 países, alcançando mais de 15 milhões de pessoas no mundo. No Brasil desde 1999, atuamos em mais de 2.4 mil comunidades e beneficiamos mais de 300 mil pessoas. Trabalhamos em parceria com comunidades e organizações locais em projetos de educação, agroecologia e clima, igualdade de gênero e participação e democracia.

Africa Public Service Delivery & Performance Review logo

Africa’s Public Service Delivery & Performance Review (APSDPR) is a journal in the niche area of Public Service Monitoring and Evaluation. The journal is a peer reviewed journal, aimed at the promotion and sharing of knowledge, skills and innovations in government and the wider Public Sector environment in South Africa and abroad.


The Agri-Malawi Magazine is an agricultural focused publication with dynamic online platform with its editorial office based in Blantyre, Malawi with a great network of representative writers and journalist across major cities in the country.

A AS-PTA – Agricultura Familiar e Agroecologia é uma associação de direito civil sem fins lucrativos que, desde 1983, atua para o fortalecimento da agricultura familiar e a promoção do desenvolvimento rural sustentável no Brasil. A experiência acumulada pela entidade ao longo desses anos permitiu comprovar a contribuição do enfoque agroecológico para o enfrentamento dos grandes desafios da sustentabilidade agrícola pelas famílias agricultoras. A AS-PTA participou da constituição e atua em diversas redes da sociedade civil voltadas para a promoção do desenvolvimento rural sustentável.

Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica

AGRICULTURA TROPICA ET SUBTROPICA (ATS) is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal published under the authorization of Mendel University in Brno  (MENDELU) and managed by the Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies,

- an independent, educational, research and scientific academic body of MENDELU.

AAEA logo

The Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) is a not-for-profit association serving the professional interests of members working in agricultural and broadly related fields of applied economics.

Agricultural Institute of Canada logo


On June 2, 1920, the Canadian Society of Technical Agriculturists was formally launched. The idea of an organization dedicated to the professional aspects of Canadian agriculture caught on and branches quickly formed across the country.

The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) is the principal in-house research agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). ARS is one of four agencies in USDA's Research, Education and Economics mission area. ARS is charged with extending the nation's scientific knowledge and solving agricultural problems through its four national program areas: nutrition, food safety and quality; animal production and protection; natural resources and sustainable agricultural systems; and crop production and protection.

Agricultural Systems

Agricultural Systems is an international journal that deals with interactions - among the components of agricultural systems, among hierarchical levels of agricultural systems, between agricultural and other land use systems, and between agricultural systems and their natural, social and economic environments. Manuscripts submitted to Agricultural Systems generally should include both of the following:

Agricultural University of Tirana logo

The Agricultural University of Tirana is a public university located in Tirana, Albania. It offers education in agronomy, veterinary, forestry, ecology, agribusiness, and similar subjects.


Source: Wikipedia

Agriculture & Food Security cover image

Agriculture & Food Security is a peer-reviewed open access journal that addresses the challenge of global food security. It publishes articles within the field of food security research, with a particular focus on research that may inform more sustainable agriculture and food systems that better address local, regional, national and/or global food and nutritional insecurity.

Agrisud International logo

Entreprendre contre la pauvreté


Nous tous, chez Agrisud, n’acceptons pas l’idée qu’aujourd’hui 1,4 milliards de personnes puissent vivre en situation de pauvreté, avec le plus souvent de grandes difficultés pour se nourrir quotidiennement.

Au Sud comme au Nord, nous savons que cette situation est due très souvent à l’exclusion économique, pour des raisons multiples, qui elle-même entraîne progressivement l’exclusion sociale.

Últimas notícias

Andressa Cabral Botelho/ISA
26 Agosto 2022
América do Sul

Ato Aquilombar 2022, que reuniu mais de três mil quilombolas em Brasília, em defesa dos territórios tradicionais. Foto:  Andressa Cabral Botelho/ISA

Ato Aquilombar e Feira de Sementes e Mudas Quilombolas marcaram o mês de agosto. Saiba essa e outras notícias socioambientais no Fique Sabendo desta quinzena

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