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Fonte: Brasil247
4 Novembro 2021
América Latina e Caribe
América do Sul

A área total de favelas no Brasil dobrou entre 1985 e 2020. No período, a extensão de moradias informais avançou 2,1 milhões de hectares para 4,1 milhões de hectares. Esse aumento equivale a três vezes a área de Salvador, na Bahia, ou 11 vezes à área de Lisboa, em Portugal.

K. Gänsler
6 Julho 2019
Plano do Governo de criar os chamados assentamentos ruga sofre resistência da oposição, especialmente no estado de Benue. Amnistia Internacional defende conceder terras aos fulas para evitar conflitos étnicos.
12 Junho 2017

A população afectada pela exploração do carvão mineral, pelas empresas mineradoras Vale Moçambique e JINDAL Mozambique Minerais Limitada (JINDAL), nos distritos de Moatize e Marara, ainda não beneficiou, na totalidade, das compensações a que tem direito.

31 Maio 2017

O Governo moçambicano precisa de 43 milhões de euros para o reassentamento de famílias que serão retiradas da área onde está em construção a barragem de Moamba-Major, disse hoje à Lusa a porta-voz do governo da província de Maputo.

21 Abril 2017

Grupo encapuzado invadiu assentamento em Colniza nesta quinta-feira (20). A suspeita é de que os autores do crime sejam capangas de fazendeiros da região.

7 Abril 2017

Atrasos na entrega de sementes levam ao fracasso de projeto-piloto de sustentabilidade alimentar para os deslocados no campo de Vanduzi, em Manica.



The Africa Centre for Dispute Settlement (ACDS) works primarily within three thematic areas: social need, the Centre’s network and experience, and a business nexus to pressing social challenges and their solutions in Africa.​

Anagrasar Samaj Unnyan Songstha (ASUS) was started on 1998 as a non profitable and non political voluntary organization to provide support to the Indigenous people of plain land in Bangladesh. It was established to promote rights of the Indigenous Community and their empowerment. It has strong experiences in group approach, community participation, training on different areas of development, mass awareness creation in the field of the land rights, child rights, labor rights, water & sanitation, health and hygiene, recovery of Indigenous culture.


The Dedan Kimathi University of Technology motto is: “Better Life through Technology”.



To be a Premier Technological University Excelling in Quality Education, Research, and Technology Transfer for National Development.



Khalifa Foundation-KF started its activities as non government development organization since 1994 to establish human rights for the vulnerable communities in southwest region of Bangladesh. It has been working on the issue of livelihoods, climate change, women rights, child rights and land rights through public awareness, capacity development and alternative income generation.

LEAP came into existence in 1988 when a group of KwaZulu-Natal land practitioners from NGOs, government and the private sector began to focus on why the communal property institutions (CPIs) set up under land reform appeared to be failing. The Legal Entity Assessment Project, as it was initially known, questioned the widely held view that the land reform communal property associations (CPAs) and trusts needed capacity building.


SERI is a public interest legal services organisation that provides pro-bono assistance to communities through research, advocacy and litigation across three main themes: ‘Securing a Home’, ‘Making a Living’ and ‘Expanding Political Space’.

  • Vision
    • To be a top rated University of technology


    • To provide technological education and training and to contribute towards the advancement of society through research and innovation 


    • Education and training for the real world


    • To train high and middle level personnel for both public and private sectors.

The Knowledge Exchange is a response to an identified need for increased information exchange in the Southern African region. It has been developed as a broad collaboration of partners, with the CSIR acting as the custodian.

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