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Artigos e Livros
Dezembro 2003
Países Baixos

Om te bepalen hoeveel recreatiedruk een gebied kan hebben en hoe een zonering is aan te brengen in een natuurgebied ontwikkelde Alterra een model dat recreatiedruk en de mate van verstoring aan elkaar koppelt. Dit zoneringsinstrument bestaat uit de gekoppelde modellen MASOOR en METAPHOR.

Artigos e Livros
Dezembro 2002

The project seeks to recommend protocols and procedures that the Forestry Department can apply, in all Peninsular Malaysian states and in Sabah, for the assessment of key VJR attributes (conservation, research and other functions, condition threats) in order to provide a priority system that can indicate the quality and level of management required for the various VJRs.

Relatórios e Pesquisa
Dezembro 2002
Países Baixos

Er is afgesproken de natuur in de bollenstreek te versterken. Het streven is om het Keukenhofbos met de ringvaart van de Haarlemmermeerpolder te verbinden door de aanleg van een aantal ecologische verbindingszones.

Artigos e Livros
Dezembro 2001

Increasing world population and the depletion of natural resources due to imbalances in development necessitates a new approach to development and the use of natural resources. Controlled adaptive planning, design, and judicious management of these precious resources seem to be a more logical approach towards resource conservation and sustainable development.

Artigos e Livros
Relatórios e Pesquisa
Junho 2001
América do Sul
O presente trabalho aborda a relação homem - natureza na Amazônia com base no estudo de caso do Assentamento de Reforma Agrária Iporá. A análise centra-se no estudo das formas de uso e propriedade da terra, a partir da trajetória de vida dos assentados. Entendendo que as formas de relação homem-natureza hoje configuradas na Amazônia são resultado de construção histórico social.
Janeiro 2000
África do Sul

The article investigates the power relations that emerged around a CBNRM programme and a land claim by the Makuleke community of the Northern Transvaal Province of South Africa. The land from which the Makuleke were forcibly removed in 1969 was incorporated into the Kruger National Park.

Artigos e Livros
Dezembro 1999

La gamme d'efforts ncessaires pour dvelopper tout le potentiel des PFNL est trs tendue. Les modes de faire-valoir et les politiques forestires doivent tre valus et, le cas chant, adapts afin de prendre en compte leurs impacts potentiels sur les ressources et les PFNL.

Artigos e Livros
Dezembro 1999
República Checa

The range of efforts required to develop the full potential of NWFPs is wide indeed. Land-use and forest policies need to be evaluated and where necessary adapted to ensure that potential impacts on non-wood forest resources and products are taken into consideration. Increased research on the abundance, distribution, biology and ecology of non-wood forest resources is essential.

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