Donor Pledge to Advance Indigenous Peoples’ and Local Communities’ Tenure Rights and their Forest Guardianship | Land Portal

Recognizing a critical need to increase support for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLC), a historic announcement was made at COP26 by 22 bilateral and philanthropic donors pledging $1.7 billion between 2021-2025 to advance forest tenure rights in tropical forest countries.

The IPLC Forest Tenure Pledge is a commitment to mobilize greater and more effective donor support for forest communities. This responds to a demand from IPLCs and civil society to increase the share of climate finance that supports IPLCs as guardians of forests and nature. 

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Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Forest Tenure Pledge

Annual Report 2022-2023

Relatórios e Pesquisa
Novembro, 2023

This second Forest Tenure Funders Group (FTFG) annual report analyzes progress against the five-year, $1.7 billion commitment to the tenure rights and forest guardianship of Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPs and LCs) in tropical forest countries announced at COP26.

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Scaling up Funding in Support of Indigenous Peoples’ and Local Communities’ Tenure and Forest Guardianship in the Global South

Relatórios e Pesquisa
Setembro, 2023

This report presents the first global analysis of funding pathways in support of Indigenous Peoples’ and Local Communities’ (IPs' & LCs') tenure and forest guardianship, a project spurred by the IP & LC Forest Tenure Pledge made by 22 donors in 2021. This study, commissioned by the Ford Foundation, aims to provide practical guidance and strategic insights for Pledge donors to incorporate in the remaining years of implementation.

This project’s main objectives are to generate:

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Relatórios e Pesquisa
Novembro, 2022

One year on from the Pledge announcement, this first report from the Forest Tenure Funders Group provides an overview of donor progress in 2021. The report describes how donors are working together, in dialogue with Indigenous Peoples and local community-led organisations. 

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Materiais institucionais e promocionais
Setembro, 2022

Approximately 1.6 billion people live in and around forest areas and use forest and land resources for their livelihoods: an estimated 36% of intact forests are within Indigenous Peoples lands. Clarifying land and resource rights and community forest management is critical for sustainable management of forests and natural resources, safeguarding livelihoods and supporting economic development. At COP26, a joint-donor Pledge was announced committing $1.7 billion to advance IPLC forest tenure rights from 2021 to 2025.

We are the present, We are the future. Promoting the importance of indigenous land rights and voices at COP265
2 Novembro 2021

The Global Alliance of Territorial Communities and the Land Portal Foundation recently teamed up to ask each of you how we can better promote Indigenous land rights and voices at the COP26.  We invite you to browse the short videos we have gathered.

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