New Portfolio Highlights the Promises and Pitfalls of Land Investments | Land Portal

The Land Portal Foundation has launched a new Land & Investments Portfolio that unpacks the key concepts, terms, international frameworks and policies, and many other aspects critical to understanding how land investments affect society.

The portfolio explores different perspectives and data on the benefits, challenges and risks of land investments, such as the understanding that land investments can arguably improve agricultural productivity and contribute to food security. Throughout the portfolio, the reader will also find case studies in Colombia, sub-Saharan Africa and Cambodia that illustrate how land investments have been associated with deforestation and land conflicts, but also with improved tenure security when implemented in accordance with responsible investment guidelines.

Many of these guidelines and international frameworks are explained in the portfolio, including the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGTs), the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems, and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Since 2022, the Land Portal has been updating its thematic portfolios as an entry point for users to understand the various impacts of land governance on society and the environment. As part of our commitment to improving data accessibility, the portfolios also provide hyperlinks to key data sources and related resources for each theme. 

The new Land & Investments portfolio provides access to 398 news stories, 4,466 publications, 125 blogs, 202 projects, 187 statistical indicators, and 5 spatial datasets.

"Among our audience, we have seen an increased demand and appreciation for knowledge assets like this that can summarize land issues without sacrificing complexity and accuracy. All thematic portfolios are peer-reviewed, and we were very happy to have Lorenzo Cotula, a prominent specialist in land investments, review this portfolio," says Romy Sato, Knowledge Network Coordinator of the Land Portal.


Visit the portfolio.



Neil Sorensen, Land Portal Foundation,, +33.641668648



The Land Portal aims to help data and information providers to create, curate and disseminate land governance data and information to become part of a more inclusive, friendly and accessible information landscape. Our mission is to build an information ecosystem for land governance that enables and supports better informed decision and policy making at national and international levels.

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