Overseas Development Institute | Page 7 | Land Portal

The Overseas Development Institute (ODI) is the UK's leading independent think tank on international development and humanitarian issues.


Our mission is to inspire and inform policy and practice which lead to the reduction of poverty, the alleviation of suffering and the achievement of sustainable livelihoods in developing countries.

We do this by locking together high quality applied research, practical policy advice, and policy-focused dissemination and debate.

We work with partners in the public and private sectors, in both developing and developed countries.


  • Independence: ODI’s research, public affairs and policy advice are independent from its funders, and staff are able to challenge donor thinking and policy and the wider development consensus.
  • High quality: Best practice, innovative approaches and continuous improvement are ensured in research, policy advice and public affairs.
  • Fairness, diversity and equality: All staff and partners are treated fairly and with respect. ODI employment, disciplines and processes are appropriate for an institute focused on international development.
  • Working together: There is continuous effort to foster better relationships throughout the organisation.
  • Transparency and accountability: There is open reporting on the use of public funds, with full communication of our work to our donors, research subjects and partners.
  • Sustainability: Resources are used in a sustainable way that reflects consciousness of the impact on the environment. The organisation works in a way that is sustainable, backed by commitment to its long-term viability.

Overseas Development Institute Resources

Exibindo 31 - 35 de 111
Library Resource
QTR report 2019 - front cover
Relatórios e Pesquisa
Fevereiro, 2019
África, África subsariana

Tenure risk – or the risk of dispute between investors and local people over land or natural resource claims – is endemic in emerging markets. There are hundreds of recorded incidents of tenure disputes creating delays, violence, project cancellation and even bankruptcy at a corporate level. These tenure disputes create lose-lose outcomes for investors, local people and national governments while robbing emerging markets of the developmental benefits of responsible land investments.

Library Resource
Report cover

Summary of the UK Land Policy Forum meeting held on 9 October 2018

Documentos e relatórios de conferência
Outubro, 2018

This is the summary of the UK Land Policy Forum meeting held on 9 October 2018.

Library Resource
Report cover

Agenda of the UK Land Policy Forum meeting held on 9 October 2018

Documentos e relatórios de conferência
Outubro, 2018

This is the agenda of the UK Land Policy Forum meeting held on 9 October 2018.

Library Resource
15 Country Infographics cover image
Outubro, 2018
Madagáscar, Moçambique, Ruanda, Zâmbia, Camarões, Namíbia, Burkina Faso, Costa do Marfim, Libéria, Senegal, Costa Rica, Honduras, Equador, Peru, Tailândia

Wave 1 country infographics in one document. Countries include: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Cote D'Ivoire, Ecuador, Honduras, Liberia, Madagascar, Mozambique, Namibia, Peru, Rwanda, Senegal, Thailand, Zambia.

Library Resource
Prindex Comparative Report cover image
Relatórios e Pesquisa
Outubro, 2018
África subsariana, América Latina e Caribe, Ásia Oriental, Ásia Meridional

Property rights are a cornerstone of economic development and social justice. A fundamental way of understanding the strength of property rights is through citizens' perceptions of them. Yet perceptions of tenure security have never been collected at a global scale.

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