CONTEST: The World Bank Water Wikipedia writing contest | Land Portal
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The World Bank Water Wikipedia writing contest is an effort by the World Bank to engage with

Universities for its Wikipedia Pilot Project. The competition is open to students currently

enrolled at participating universities worldwide. First place contestants will be offered invitations

for a week-long paid mission trip with The World Bank.

What is the World Bank Wikipedia Pilot Project (WPP)?

The WPP seeks to provide relevant, reliable and up-to-date knowledge on water topics to

professionals and other users in an easily accessible, and interactive format. The WPP consists of

a series of articles posted on Wikipedia providing an overview of the water sector in a particular

country or city. Each note contains systematic information, data, useful external links and much

more. Content is drawn from publicly available sources and has been largely compiled by World

Bank staff so far. The World Bank now asks the broader academic community to participate in

the preparation and maintenance of Wikipedia water notes. The World Bank WPP website:

What is the contest about?

The World Bank Wikipedia writing contest includes three categories in which to compete. Each

contestant will choose ONE of the following three categories to compete in: (i) writing a new

Wikipedia article on a water topic, (ii) preparing a comparative analysis based on existing World

Bank WPP water notes, or (iii) updating current World Bank WPP water notes. A review panel

will evaluate each piece and choose one winner from each of three categories.

What can I win?

The World Bank will award three first-place recipients -one from each category- with invitations

for a week-long paid mission trip with the World Bank. In addition, winners may have an

opportunity to present their work and discuss projects with key World Bank staff.

More information (pdf).

Deadline: May 13, 2011

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