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Journal Articles & Books
July 2017

En el presente artículo se exponen algunas claves para comprender las dinámicas de urbanización promovidas por el neoliberalismo en la ciudad de Puebla, en la región centro de México, a partir del análisis de algunas políticas recientes, como las de 1) privatización del servicio de agua; 2) despojo de tierras y reordenamiento del territorio en la zona de Angelópolis para la construcción de nuev

Journal Articles & Books
May 2017

El objetivo del artículo es analizar los motivos del alto monto del arrendamiento de la tierra en La Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina), en relación con otras regiones hortícolas, a la vez de identificar las variables que hacen que dicho arrendamiento muestre importantes variaciones incluso en el interior de la capital bonaerense.

Journal Articles & Books
January 2014

El propósito de este artículo es el estudio del proceso de gravamen sobre el latifundio durante las décadas de 1940 y 1950 como parte de un conjunto de políticas agrarias en torno a la propiedad y tenencia de la tierra (arrendamientos y colonización) que contemplan los niveles de producción, de acumulación y la distribución del ingreso en función de controlar el orden social y asegurar la legit

Cover photo of Midcourse Manoeuvres: Community Strategies and Remedies for Natural Resource Conflicts in Indonesia
Reports & Research
June 2018

Over the last 50 years, most Asian countries have gone through a shift from subsistence agricultural systems to industrialized economies. In Indonesia, the major shift came in 1966, when General Suharto successfully staged a military coup. Under his presidency, Indonesia experienced the “New Order”. A key aspect of this regime was trade and industrial expansion.

Cover photo of Myanmar land use report
Reports & Research
June 2018

Since the 1960s, and particularly in the last decade, Southeast Asia has been attracting significant foreign investments. Myanmar, despite its land titling and registration tangles, is no exception. Investors all across the globe are vying for a piece of the “Golden Land” and the country is responding with equal fervor.

Cover photo of Myanmar land use report
Reports & Research
June 2018

Since the 1960s, and particularly in the last decade, Southeast Asia has been attracting significant foreign investments. Myanmar, despite its land titling and registration tangles, is no exception. Investors all across the globe are vying for a piece of the “Golden Land” and the country is responding with equal fervor.

Cover photo of report with title Midcourse Manoeuvres: Community Strategies and Remedies for Natural Resource Conflicts in India, Indonesia and Myanmar
Reports & Research
June 2018
Southern Asia

Land transformation has been at the centre of the economic growth of post-colonial Asia. In the 1990s, many Asian countries embraced economic liberalization and speculative business interests in land began to replace the state’s control of land for developmental purposes.

Peer-reviewed publication
August 2016

Planning and distribution economy with state ownership of agricultural enterprises, which were dominant in the early 90s the economy of the country, was unable to provide normal functioning of the agricultural land use in the conditions of transition to market relations. To switch to another economic system began a gradual process of transformation of agricultural enterprises.

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