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Achieving Land Degradation Neutrality for People and Planet

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2017

UNDP’s support to countries on sustainable land management and restoration is designed to enhance livelihoods, secure food and water, build resilience and increase carbon storage and sequestration. Drawing on over 40 years of experience and expertise, UNDP assists countries to integrate land and related environmental concerns into national and sectoral development plans and strategies, secure resources, and implement programmes that advance inclusive, sustainable growth and development.

Biodiversity and the Great Green Wall : Managing nature for sustainable development in the Sahel

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2017

The Great Green Wall is one of the main vehicles for delivering the Sustainable Development Goals and the Rio conventions in the Sahel. Biodiversity is the foundation of the Great Green Wall in many ways, determining soil productivity and water cycles and providing the foundation for risk management and resilient ecosystems. The Great Green Wall can make a major contribution to achieving many of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Microbial biotechnology as a tool to restore degraded drylands

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2017

The authors briefly review how microbial biotechnology can contribute to improve activities aiming to restore degraded drylands and to combat their desertification, which are an integral part of the Sustainable Development Goal 15 of the 2030 Agenda. Microbial biotechnology offers notable promise to improve restoration actions based on the use of biocrust‐forming engineered cyanobacteria, which play key roles in maintaining ecosystem structure and functioning in drylands worldwide.

Estimating the Economic Impacts of Ecosystem Restoration—Methods and Case Studies

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2016

Federal investments in ecosystem restoration projects protect Federal trusts, ensure public health and safety, and preserve and enhance essential ecosystem services. These investments also generate business activity and create jobs. It is important for restoration practitioners to be able to quantify the economic impacts of individual restoration projects in order to communicate the contribution of these activities to local and national stakeholders.

Informing Future Interventions for Scaling-up Sustainable Land Management.

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2016

The review was conducted with the aim to provide guidance for future engagement / investments, in particular in the context of recent AU declarations on agriculture and on land restoration by NEPAD, GEF, TerrAfrica, the Great Green Wall Initiative for the Sahel and Sahara (GGWISS), UN agencies and other donors.
This paper provides an abridged summary of the findings for easier access by country policy / decision
makers, agencies, development partners and donors, as a basis for informing future interventions for scaling-
up sustainable land management (SLM).

Making sense of research for sustainable land management

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2016

Land is of multi-dimensional character. It is multi-scale, multi-functional, multi-sectorial, multi-actor based: it needs people from practice and research to interact as equal partners to make sense of research for sustainable land management. The kind of research needed to deal with this complexity and these challenges we term implementation-oriented research. With its many practical examples, this book explores alternatives to the often perceived ‘either – or’ choice between agricultural intensification on the one hand, and expansion of arable land on the other.

Land degradation neutrality ( in The Mediterranean region under climate change : a scientific update)

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2016

This chapter sets out to present a short review of (i) the general context of land degradation under the framework of UNCCD – the international convention on desertification with a specific focus on Land Degradation Neutrality, and (ii) examples of the main processes responsible for soil degradation (e.g. surface crusting, runoff and water erosion, tillage erosion, wind erosion, and salinization), along with the principles of desertification control and land rehabilitation, in light of the socioeconomic context and ecological conditions and processes.

Land degradation states and trends in the northwestern Maghreb drylands, 1998–2008

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2016

States of ecological maturity and temporal trends of drylands in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia north of 28 N are reported for 1998–2008. The input data were Normalized Difference Vegetation Index databases and corresponding climate fields, at a spatial resolution of 1 km and a temporal resolution of one month. States convey opposing dynamics of human exploitation and ecological succession. They were identified synchronically for the full period by comparing each location to all other locations in the study area under equivalent aridity.

Scaling up regreening: Six steps to success. A practical approach to forest and landscape restoration

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2015

In a world grappling with the challenges of food insecurity, climate change, landscape degradation, and rural poverty, regreening offers a path forward, especially in dryland areas. The transformation of degraded landscapes—restoring productivity and increasing resilience through the widespread adoption of agroforestry and sustainable land management practices—can deliver food, climate, and livelihood benefits.
Table of contents:
Part I. Introduction
Part II. How and Where is Regreening Happening?
Part III. The Impacts Of Regreening

Global guidelines for the restoration of degraded forests and landscapes in drylands. Building resilience and benefiting livelihoods.

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2015

From the content:
2 Drylands and the benefits of restoration 5
2.1 What are drylands? 5
2.2 The importance of forests and trees in drylands 6
2.3 Key challenges in drylands 8
2.4 Restoration in drylands 13
3 Guidelines for policymakers and other decision-makers: establishing a strong enabling environment 19
3.1 Enabling and investing in assessment and monitoring 19
3.2 Addressing the drivers of land degradation by engaging in cross-sectoral dialogue and planning at the landscape scale 22