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Corruption Perceptions Index 2019

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2019

The Corruption Perceptions Index 2019 reveals a staggering number of countries are showing little to no improvement in tackling corruption. Our analysis also suggests that reducing big money in politics and promoting inclusive political decision-making are essential to curb corruption. 180 The CPI scores 180 countries and territories by their perceived levels of public sector corruption, according to experts and business people.

Agroextrativismo e pagamentos por serviços socioambientais: reflexões a partir das Reservas Extrativistas da Terra do Meio (PA)

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2019
América Latina e Caribe
América do Sul

No contexto de aumento de propostas de sistemas de pagamentos por serviços ambientais e também de reconhecimento crescente da contribuição dos povos tradicionais para a sociobiodiversidade e o combate às mudanças climáticas, esse artigo apresenta um processo em curso de identificação das contribuições socioambientais de povos tradicionais da Terra do Meio.

Rapport sur l'état de l'environnement au Sénégal

Reports & Research
Dezembro, 2019

Dans cette quatrième édition dont le thème principal est Améliorer la conscience environnementale pour une gestion durable des ressources naturelles au Sénégal, un accent particulier a été mis sur la gouvernance climatique, notamment en ce qui concerne les modalités de la contribution du PSE dans son amélioration, ainsi que la mise en oeuvre des contributions déterminées au niveau national (CDN) et de l’agenda 2030 des objectifs de Développement durable (ODD). Le cadre utilisé pour évaluer l’état de l’environnement au Sénégal est dénommé DPSIR .

From boomerangs to minefields and catapults: dynamics of trans-local resistance to land-grabs

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2019

This paper explores the political processes that activists engaged in contesting land grabbing have triggered to connect claims across borders and to international institutions, regimes and processes. Through a review of cases of land-grab resistance that have led to project cancelation or suspension, I argue that contextual elements of the land grab and shifting geopolitics highlight the need for adaptation and refinement of models of transnational advocacy, historically structured in North–South patterns.

From Confrontation to Mediation: Cambodian Farmers Expelled by a Vietnamese Company

Journal Articles & Books
Dezembro, 2019

Concessions granted to investors in Cambodia have generated a deep sense of insecurity in rural forested areas. Villagers are not confined to a passive “everyday resistance of the poor,” as mentioned by James Scott, insofar as they frequently engage in frontal strategies for recovering land. Such has been the case in the northeastern provinces, where indigenous livelihoods are recurrently threatened by foreign and national companies. But what happens when a land conflict ends up in a stakeholder dialogue?

Minería en el territorio paraguay

Reports & Research
Novembro, 2019

¿Cómo funciona este negocio, cuáles son sus reglas? ¿Qué hacen los políticos sobre el tema? ¿Quiénes son los que están en eso? Para responder estas preguntas se tuvo que indagar también en el sector internacional, porque es un sector globalizado y para entender lo local es necesario tener una perspectiva mundial. Se intentará presentar en estas páginas todos los hallazgos, así como las problemáticas pendientes para ubicar esta actividad en nuestra realidad socioeconómica y territorial.

Will Bougainville Reopen the Panguna Mine?

Journal Articles & Books
Outubro, 2019

The Panguna mine on the Pacific island of Bougainville is one of the largest copper and gold deposits in the world. 

The mine was also at the center of a decade-long civil war fought between the Bougainville Revolutionary Army and the Papua New Guinea Defense Force in the 1990s. The conflict cost as many as 15,000 lives and displaced 40,000 of the island’s 200,000 inhabitants.

Who governs here? Informal resource extraction, state enforcement, and conflict in Ghana

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2019
Western Africa

Over the past two decades, “illegal” natural resource extraction has become a significant driver of environmental change and social conflict across the Global South. In response, numerous Sub-Saharan African states have engaged in governance reforms that heed calls to securitize – or, establish and consolidate state control over – natural resources. In Ghana, securitization has served to entrench the informal economy as domestic producers, marginalized in the process of reform, continue to utilize non-state institutions to maintain access.

Landgrabbing: Contested meanings of land

Agosto, 2019

A recent wave of large-scale commercial investments in agriculture;extractive industries and other land-based sectors has compounded the ‘global resource squeezein low- and middle-income countries. But many communities affected by land rights violations struggle to assert their rights or obtain redress. Demand for legal support outstrips resources and what is available is not always appropriate. Pursuing litigation often presents significant obstacles and risks to the communities involved without offering any certain outcomes.

Dependência e expropriação estatal de terras no contexto neodesenvolvimentista/neoextrativista:

Journal Articles & Books
Julho, 2019
América do Sul

Com 1.121 desapropriações para a construção do mineroduto Minas-Rio e 1,5 mil famílias desapropriadas para a construção do Complexo Portuário do Açu, adicionando o impacto em sistemas aquáticos, com degradação, aumento da demanda, salinização e suspensão do abastecimento público por despejos de minério de ferro, esses grandes empreendimentos produzem efeitos socioambientais deletérios.

Criação de gado em Reservas Extrativistas:

Journal Articles & Books
Julho, 2019
América Latina e Caribe
América do Sul

O desenvolvimento da atividade pecuária dentro de Reservas Extrativistas na Amazônia tem sido motivo de polêmicas e debates inflamados na área ambiental desde o estabelecimento da Lei do SNUC. O histórico do movimento extrativista teve nos empates sua principal bandeira de luta, como estratégia de combate ao avanço da fronteira agropecuária. Independentemente dos avanços do movimento, é fato que a pecuária bovina se configurou, ao longo dos últimos 20 anos, como o uso predominante nas áreas desmatadas na Amazônia, inclusive dentro das Reservas Extrativistas.

The Land We Lost

Reports & Research
Junho, 2019

This publication is the outcome of our research on the socio-environmental impacts of large pulp and paper, timber tree and oil palm plantations in Sarawak. It contains two case studies on plantation affected indigenous communities in Batu Niah and Bakong in the Miri Division. It stresses on the importance of understanding the context of large monoculture plantations in Sarawak accurately, as it entails two destructive factors. First, it involves deforestation, as it is clearly a post-logging development.