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News & Events / Novo relatório oferece uma visão abrangente dos dados fundiários em Madagascar e defende um futuro de dados abertos

Novo relatório oferece uma visão abrangente dos dados fundiários em Madagascar e defende um futuro de dados abertos

20 Setembro 2023
State of Land Information in Madagascar
State of Land Information in Madagascar

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LandLibrary Resource

Executive Summary: State of Land Information in Madagascar

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2023

This report on the land data ecosystem in Madagascar is the first step towards providing a baseline and diagnostic tool to inform conversations around land and data governance. It aims to complement existing initiatives to improve the accuracy and extent of land data in Madagascar and identify opportunities to improve public access to all forms of land information.

LandLibrary Resource

State of Land Information in Madagascar

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2023

This report on the land data ecosystem in Madagascar is the first step towards providing a baseline and diagnostic tool to inform conversations around land and data governance. It aims to complement existing initiatives to improve the accuracy and extent of land data in Madagascar and identify opportunities to improve public access to all forms of land information.

LandLibrary Resource

State of Land Information in Madagascar

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2023

This report on the land data ecosystem in Madagascar is the first step towards providing a baseline and diagnostic tool to inform conversations around land and data governance. It aims to complement existing initiatives to improve the accuracy and extent of land data in Madagascar and identify opportunities to improve public access to all forms of land information.

LandLibrary Resource

Executive Summary: State of Land Information in Madagascar

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2023

This report on the land data ecosystem in Madagascar is the first step towards providing a baseline and diagnostic tool to inform conversations around land and data governance. It aims to complement existing initiatives to improve the accuracy and extent of land data in Madagascar and identify opportunities to improve public access to all forms of land information.

LandLibrary Resource

State of Land Information in Madagascar

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2023

This report on the land data ecosystem in Madagascar is the first step towards providing a baseline and diagnostic tool to inform conversations around land and data governance. It aims to complement existing initiatives to improve the accuracy and extent of land data in Madagascar and identify opportunities to improve public access to all forms of land information.

LandLibrary Resource

Executive Summary: State of Land Information in Madagascar

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2023

This report on the land data ecosystem in Madagascar is the first step towards providing a baseline and diagnostic tool to inform conversations around land and data governance. It aims to complement existing initiatives to improve the accuracy and extent of land data in Madagascar and identify opportunities to improve public access to all forms of land information.

LandLibrary Resource

Executive Summary: State of Land Information in Madagascar

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2023

This report on the land data ecosystem in Madagascar is the first step towards providing a baseline and diagnostic tool to inform conversations around land and data governance. It aims to complement existing initiatives to improve the accuracy and extent of land data in Madagascar and identify opportunities to improve public access to all forms of land information.

LandLibrary Resource

State of Land Information in Madagascar

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2023

This report on the land data ecosystem in Madagascar is the first step towards providing a baseline and diagnostic tool to inform conversations around land and data governance. It aims to complement existing initiatives to improve the accuracy and extent of land data in Madagascar and identify opportunities to improve public access to all forms of land information.

LandLibrary Resource

Résumé : État de l'information foncière à Madagascar

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2023

Ce rapport sur l’écosystème des données foncières à Madagascar est la première étape vers la fourniture d’une base de référence et d’un outil de diagnostic pour informer les conversations autour de la gouvernance foncière et des données. Il vise à compléter les initiatives existantes pour améliorer la précision et l’étendue des données foncières à Madagascar et à identifier les opportunités d’améliorer l’accès du public à toutes les formes d’informations foncières.

LandLibrary Resource

Résumé : État de l'information foncière à Madagascar

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2023

Ce rapport sur l’écosystème des données foncières à Madagascar est la première étape vers la fourniture d’une base de référence et d’un outil de diagnostic pour informer les conversations autour de la gouvernance foncière et des données. Il vise à compléter les initiatives existantes pour améliorer la précision et l’étendue des données foncières à Madagascar et à identifier les opportunités d’améliorer l’accès du public à toutes les formes d’informations foncières.

LandLibrary Resource

État de l'information foncière à Madagascar

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2023

Ce rapport sur l'écosystème des données foncières à Madagascar est la première étape vers la fourniture d'une base de référence et d'un outil de diagnostic pour informer les conversations autour de la gouvernance foncière et des données. Il vise à compléter les initiatives existantes pour améliorer la précision et l'étendue des données foncières à Madagascar et à identifier les opportunités d'améliorer l'accès du public à toutes les formes d'informations foncières.

LandLibrary Resource

État de l'information foncière à Madagascar

Reports & Research
Agosto, 2023

Ce rapport sur l'écosystème des données foncières à Madagascar est la première étape vers la fourniture d'une base de référence et d'un outil de diagnostic pour informer les conversations autour de la gouvernance foncière et des données. Il vise à compléter les initiatives existantes pour améliorer la précision et l'étendue des données foncières à Madagascar et à identifier les opportunités d'améliorer l'accès du public à toutes les formes d'informations foncières.

LandLibrary Resource

State of Land Information in Madagascar

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2023

This report on the land data ecosystem in Madagascar is the first step towards providing a baseline and diagnostic tool to inform conversations around land and data governance. It aims to complement existing initiatives to improve the accuracy and extent of land data in Madagascar and identify opportunities to improve public access to all forms of land information.

LandLibrary Resource

State of Land Information in Madagascar

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2023

This report on the land data ecosystem in Madagascar is the first step towards providing a baseline and diagnostic tool to inform conversations around land and data governance. It aims to complement existing initiatives to improve the accuracy and extent of land data in Madagascar and identify opportunities to improve public access to all forms of land information.

LandLibrary Resource

Executive Summary: State of Land Information in Madagascar

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2023

This report on the land data ecosystem in Madagascar is the first step towards providing a baseline and diagnostic tool to inform conversations around land and data governance. It aims to complement existing initiatives to improve the accuracy and extent of land data in Madagascar and identify opportunities to improve public access to all forms of land information.

LandLibrary Resource

Executive Summary: State of Land Information in Madagascar

Reports & Research
Setembro, 2023

This report on the land data ecosystem in Madagascar is the first step towards providing a baseline and diagnostic tool to inform conversations around land and data governance. It aims to complement existing initiatives to improve the accuracy and extent of land data in Madagascar and identify opportunities to improve public access to all forms of land information.

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