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Countries Kenya related News


Displaying 25 - 36 of 224
14 Août 2022
Le CIFOR-ICRAF recherche un(e) Directeur(trice) Exécutif(ve) qui défendra avec passion l'héritage de l'organisation avec un objectif tout en tirant parti de ses connaissances et de sa portée pour accroître et accélérer l'impact du CIFOR-ICRAF sur le monde. Le rôle À la tête de l'équipe de…
8 Août 2022
Ignoring the plight of 20 million people in the Horn of Africa is a political choice. The 20 million people struggling to survive a scorching drought in the Horn of Africa are victims not only of a climate crisis but of the failings of governments and humanitarians to heed the lessons from earlier…
5 Août 2022
Whoever between Raila Odinga and William Ruto takes the presidency of this country after 9/8 must find the moral courage to finally break with a colonial legacy that has relegated thousands of our co-citizens to a life of unending misery and despair.       The long-awaited rains are finally here…
22 Juillet 2022
Erosion and tidal surges are threatening fishing communities in West Africa. As a result, many people are fleeing inland — losing their livelihoods. The sea has already encroached two meters into the country's interior.      Rising sea levels threaten many fishing communities in West Africa…
18 Juillet 2022
The historic ruling follows a landmark judgment delivered by the Court on 26 May 2017, finding that the Government of Kenya had violated the right to life, property, natural resources, development, religion and culture of the Ogiek, under the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights. “This…
2 Juillet 2022
Reliance on imports from as far away as Tanzania, Uganda and even China, leaves Kisumu County’s accessibility to food on a fragile footing.   Download PDFPrint Article A ceasefire had to be called at the height of the 2007/8 post-election violence and a corridor created for the safe passage of…
17 Juin 2022
Sub-division of ancestral land has all but wiped out farming in Kisii, driving poverty and malnutrition and pushing the population into migration in search of greener pastures. When my father died in the early 1990s, my mother and my two siblings moved to Kisii in Southwest Kenya. Widowed in her…
26 Mai 2022
PRESS RELEASES | 26 MAY 2017 Minority Rights Group International (MRG) wholeheartedly applauds an historic judgment from the African Court of Human and Peoples Rights in Arusha today in favour of the Ogiek community of Kenya. Following an eight-year legal battle, the Court found that the…
25 Mai 2022
Kenya’s government wants farmers to grow crops from licensed seeds only. These are hybrid seeds that are certified free of various seed-borne pests and diseases. The Seeds and Plant Varieties Act makes it a crime to plant and exchange uncertified seeds. But many small-scale farmers rely on informal…
21 Mai 2022
Africités est une conférence panafricaine qui réunit les dirigeants des villes et des gouvernements locaux ainsi que leurs associations pour faire progresser la décentralisation et la gouvernance locale afin d’améliorer le niveau de vie des citoyens. Les sommets Africités ont lieu tous les trois…
18 Mars 2022
Drought is a global problem that affects an estimated 1.5 billion people, particularly those in the Southern Hemisphere. Between the 1970s and the early 2000s the percentage of the earth’s landmass affected by severe drought has more than doubled. Drought has many unique identifiers that…
12 Mars 2022
Urban displacements greatly diminish the living conditions of already desperate populations living on the brink of poverty. On 15 November, Minoo Kyaa, a community activist from Mukuru kwa Njenga, South Nairobi, tweeted, We keep asking each other “we unaenda wapi?” [Where are you going?] and…