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Six Case Studies of Economically Successful Cities

Janvier, 2016

The objective of this paper is to synthesize the findings of six individual case studies (Bucaramanga, Colombia; Coimbatore, India; Kigali, Rwanda; Gaziantep, Turkey; Changsha, China; and Tangier, Morocco) by analyzing the similarities and dissimilarities among them and identifying common, cross-cutting themes. The intent is to highlight what institutions and strategies successful cities have relied on to spur
economic development, under what conditions such success has occurred, and what lessons of this experience might be applicable to decision makers in other cities.

Confronting complexity : using action-research to build voice, accountability, and justice in Nairobi's Mukuru informal settlements

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre, 2015

The Constitution of Kenya (2010) has provided the means for confronting new challenges to evictions and access to justice faced by vulnerable groups such as the residents of Mukuru. New jurisprudence has begun to emerge, addressing the human rights implications of evictions. Project researchers along with the Katiba Institute and Strathmore University’s School of Law work closely with the community to investigate different existing tenure arrangements in Mukuru to determine how the Constitution and land laws can be used to address challenges related to insecure land tenure.

Improving access to justice and basic services in the informal settlements of Nairobi : executive summary

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre, 2015
Sub-Saharan Africa

A detailed situation analysis reveals key linkages between meagre services, insecure land tenure, and unjust governance institutions in Nairobi’s informal settlements. In addition to exploring alternative models of service delivery, the analysis examines the “poverty penalty” and the types of service provision specific to Mukuru settlement, where residents are forced to pay for poorer services. Private holdings in Mukuru should be converted to community land, using provisions from the Constitution, Land Act, and the draft community land bill.

Urbanization and Property Rights

Décembre, 2015

Since the industrial revolution, the
economic development of Western Europe and North America was
characterized by continuous urbanization accompanied by a
gradual phasing-in of urban land property rights over time.
Today, however, the evidence in many fast urbanizing
low-income countries points towards a different trend of
“urbanization without formalization”, with potentially
adverse effects on long-term economic growth. This paper

The Exposure, Vulnerability, and Ability to Respond of Poor Households to Recurrent Floods in Mumbai

Décembre, 2015

This paper examines poor households in
the city of Mumbai and their exposure, vulnerability, and
ability to respond to recurrent floods. The paper discusses
policy implications for future adaptive capacity,
resilience, and poverty alleviation. The study focuses
particularly on the poor households, which tend to have
greater exposure and vulnerability to floods and limited
ability to respond given the constraints on physical and

Competitive Cities for Jobs and Growth

Décembre, 2015

A competitive city is a city that
successfully facilitates its firms and industries to create
jobs, raise productivity, and increase the incomes of
citizens over time. Worldwide, improving the competitiveness
of cities is a pathway to eliminating extreme poverty and to
promoting shared prosperity. The primary source of job
creation has been the growth of private sector firms, which
have typically accounted for around 75 percent of job

Beliefs and Practices During Pregnancy and Childbirth in Urban Slums of Dhaka, Bangladesh

Novembre, 2015

Worldwide urbanization has become a crucial issue in recent years. Bangladesh, one of the poorest and most densely-populated countries in the world, has been facing rapid urbanization. In urban areas, maternal indicators are generally worse in the slums than in the urban non-slum areas. The Manoshi program at BRAC, a non governmental organization, works to improve maternal, newborn, and child health in the urban slums of Bangladesh. This paper describes maternal related beliefs and practices in the urban slums of Dhaka and provides baseline information for the Manoshi program.

The Impact of Violence on Individual Risk Preferences

Novembre, 2015

This study estimates the impact of
Kenya’s post-election violence on individual risk
preferences. Because the crisis interrupted a longitudinal
survey of more than five thousand Kenyan youth, this timing
creates plausibly exogenous variation in exposure to civil
conflict by the time of the survey. The study measures
individual risk preferences using hypothetical lottery
choice questions, which are validated by showing that they

Brazil Land Governance Assessment

Septembre, 2015

This report on the assessment of land
governance in Brazil summarizes and discusses the results of
a series of standardized self-assessments of the land
governance situation in Brazil, conducted entirely by
Brazilian speakers. Therefore, these findings represent the
perception of local experts based on their experience of
news and data available. The main aim of this report are
federal and state authorities directly involved in land

Federal Republic of Nigeria Slum Upgrading, Involuntary Resettlement, Land and Housing

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
Mai, 2015

This report aims to extract lessons on slum upgrading and involuntary resettlement policies and practices learned from the process of addressing the Badia East case, which involved complex interactions between affected people, NGOs, the Bank and Lagos State Government.