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Journal Articles & Books
November 2007

This publication is part of a series of training materials on natural resources conflict management developed by FAOs Livelihood Support Programme. It supports the discussions presented in Negotiation and mediation techniques for natural resource management (2005) a conceptual guide by…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2007

Varias décadas atrás, las administraciones públicas concentraban sus esfuerzos en fomentar la pesca y la acuicultura y asegurar el crecimiento de la producción y el consumo de sus productos. En el decenio de 1980, cuando muchos recursos alcanzaron la plena explotación o incluso una…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2007

Mangroves, commonly found along sheltered coastlines in the tropics and subropics, fulfil important socio-economic and envioronmental functions: providing wood and non-wood forest products, protecting shores against wind, waves and water currents; conserving biological diversity; protecting…

Legislation & Policies
September 2007

Lands Commission Act CHAPTER 57:07 LANDS COMMISSION ACT CAP. 57:07 An Act to provide for the establishment of the Lands Commission to miti­ gate the problems of land allocation and improve land administration in The Gambia, and for connected matters. 

Reports & Research
December 2006

As an organisation, we look forward to ensuring continuity of professional services to our partners and ACP beneficiaries in the coming years as well as continuing with existing endeavours and embracing new opportunities as they may arise.

Reports & Research
November 2006

The effect of prime-age adult death and its consequences on access to land for the survivors has not been fully explored nor incorporated into policy regardless the fact that high adult mortality is now the lived reality in countries affected by HIV/AIDS, particularly in Africa. This paper…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2006

Issues of transformative change in gender relations have been on the development agenda for four decades and no-one could say that there have not been significant policy initiatives taken to achieve this objective. The enthusiasm generated during the 1975 International Year for Women and…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2006

La observancia de la legislación forestal suscita una atención creciente en el escenario de la política forestal internacional porque todos los años se tala, elabora y comercia ilegalmente un volumen significativo de madera. La explotación ilegal y el comercio asociado constituyen un problema…

Journal Articles & Books
November 2006

Water for agriculture draws on a range of sources - from naturally available water bodies to water supply infrastructure. In sub-Saharan Africa, only a very small percentage of arable land is irrigated. Most farmers produce food under rainfed conditions. In 1995, for instance, 89 percent of…

Reports & Research
December 2005

‘Poor soils make poor people, and poor people make soils worse’. This is a situation that can be seen in many ACP countries. What information support can be offered...

Journal Articles & Books
November 2004
Journal Articles & Books
November 2004

En el presente documento se examinan diversos casos de proyectos en que se aplicaron enfoques o principios basados en los modos de vida sostenibles y que, como consecuencia de ello, surtieron un efecto concreto en la reducción de la pobreza. Puesto que no se trata de un estudio comparativo entre…